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    I have a separate grow room for my clones in my closet.. So I am only going to be having the mothers from now till august and put them out side then the clones in... Or am I just under estimating the size of the mothers?
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    I have a 3x3 room.... Would vegging 4 mothers be more worth my while... Then throw the mothers outside to bud later this year.... Then stick some clones in my room.... Or is this just a dumb ideabongsmilie
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    Smokin around your Plant!

    Tabacoo does to rose bushes but haven't tried it to pot or seen a big difference.
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    Need Some Ideas

    So I have a 3x3 tent in my room I have a 600 w bulb digi ballast.. What is the best way to grown in side the tent... Should I just make mothers and produces clones over and over?