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  1. IImFly

    Florida outdoor 2011

    Yeah man I also live in florida. yeah def. looks like you had a late start but your plants look nice. You prob. need to get some bigger pots like weezer or put them in the ground, and hopefully you can get a couple of Os dank...
  2. IImFly

    Volcanic Ash?

    Got Anything good on this topic. I purchased it radomly....and google it. I only found out that it was good for facials/can hold electricity when wet/one said it makes soil fertile/another said it contains high amounts of sulfer an kills living plants on contact. So let me know if I bought a...
  3. IImFly

    Is Volcanic ash good or bad?

    Just found some randomly looking for things in the attic. Doesn't say what its for. Anyway I googled it an one site said it was great for fertilizer for crops. Another said it contain crazy levels of sulfer and will kill any plant it touched. Any theorys :confused:
  4. IImFly

    Organics Growing the Dirty Way

    and smoke more ganja!
  5. IImFly

    1st Fla. Outdoor Grow. Any Advice

    Hells yea...I Will(I need the practice)and Thanks for the post...You must have some prettty nice girls going.. Does temp have anything to do with the color of you plants? Ive read that colder temps brings the colors out? So soon I will attempt to cut the all the little leafs out...Also Ive...
  6. IImFly

    1st Fla. Outdoor Grow. Any Advice

    Thanks man...It got down to the fifties again last night...But today it is around 80degrees and upper 80's forcasted for the rest of the week...Already added the fish not to much to over do it just a couple little peaces at the bottom..The Rest went into the compost...Damn nigga do you have a...
  7. IImFly

    Fake Pot Brownies In Florida Of All Places

    REallY? I've never seen them..Althought I have Seen Drinks. Anyways thanks I might have to give them a try!
  8. IImFly

    1st Fla. Outdoor Grow. Any Advice

    I bought some mushroom compost/Soil/Red Fox nitrogen mix...Also adding redfish and bay snapper to the mix...Hopefully the transplants will do good..Just got alot of rain....Havent got a chance take more pics and sorry for the quality...It had been getting into lower fifties at night is it ok to...
  9. IImFly

    My Nine Monster: A Story Written and Produced by TMB

    Srry I didnt finish reading before I commented... Good too know Ill will be adding Redfish and Specs to my Babies...
  10. IImFly

    My Nine Monster: A Story Written and Produced by TMB

    I Was Wondering About using Fish/heads to my plants. you can add it straight to the soil,water,turn 7days,and plant? Are there other ways?
  11. IImFly

    1st Fla. Outdoor Grow. Any Advice

    They are just bagseeds from good. Iono What strain. And srry only one is flowering. I Topped them about 3-4 weeks ago. Other then that I haven't messed with them. Didnt get pics of the other two before the sun went down so Ill post some tomorrow...
  12. IImFly

    1st Fla. Outdoor Grow. Any Advice

    So is cutting the newer leaves going to stop the branches from growing taller? There a also a few single leafs sticking out should they be cut? Yeeah The Jiffy is the stuff. I Water ever 2-3 days. Hehe Yeah Any where in florida is not a good place to grow! Yeah they're getting full sun. I Was...
  13. IImFly

    1st Fla. Outdoor Grow. Any Advice

    Starting off Im no pro. I have five lovely ladies. Planted in 1 gallon pots. I used about 1/2 Jiffy Mix and 1/2 Peat moss mix. Wally world shyt. I wanted to keep it organic so Ive been using My lil sis bunny shyt to make tea. Seems to work well. They are about 1-2 foot tall and have begun to...