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  1. P

    Super Small plant Flowering

    hmm, i cant really remember what strain it is. i think its a mostly indica mix though. (judging by the leaves). It doesnt have much lighting i guess i didnt excpect it to be a girl either.
  2. P

    Super Small plant Flowering

    some of the nodes
  3. P

    Super Small plant Flowering

    So I have a 8 inch tall plant and its been growing for at least 2 months. Its really small due to lighting but has atleast 12 nodes. Well anywho its flowering and so far it looks to be female. How much yield do you think i can get from this?
  4. P

    Is This Plant Healthy?

    im not gunna go into flowering until 2 or 3 weeks, i only have one plant so how many lights would you think id need?
  5. P

    Is This Plant Healthy?

    i plan on buying better lights, i just transplanted it too iwas ooking and i think i seen some pistils.
  6. P

    Is This Plant Healthy?

    the burn was from spraying the leaves w/ water while under the light
  7. P

    Is This Plant Healthy?

    Im just growing for fun, i got the seed from a pretty good bag but i dont remember what kind it was. 18/6 lighting w/ daylight cfl's 13watt. its on like the 7th node and is only 5 inches. its growing alot of leaves but its not getting taller. The first two pics were on 5/25 the second were on 5/30