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  1. The Grouch

    My Growroom in a Chest of Drawers

    Ha ha! Hello fellow grower! Cheers for the reply the other day and ditto.. Will be reading your future posts with enthusiasm! Sounds like you have it all mapped out in your head and know what you're after. Big up ya and looking forward to the next instalment! (shame about broken links to pics...
  2. The Grouch

    Need Help with a stealth grow using CFLs

    Newbie grower here, so no major insights but: PLEASE don't use a cardboard box; shit! no-one on this thread thought to mention how dangerous that is? I know Help4weed now has a dresser, it just concerned me that no one saw the one weak spot in his plan. Even low wattage (2-3) cfs can get hot...
  3. The Grouch

    LST Feedback Please!

    These are two of my three babies that are undergoing LST. I have looked at other examples on here and they all seem more uniform and bushy than mine.. Its my first grow, (long time smoker, first time grower..) using modded PC Server cases and CFL's (I know I'm gonna catch flak for that!). And...
  4. The Grouch

    CFL'S are they really detectable? >> helicopters <<

    I know in the UK that the police have been tipped off to grow rooms in attics, using IR/Heat cameras. Usually as a by-product of chasing scallies through housing estates in built up areas, after they have ditched stolen/joyridden cars. Mind you the last time I heard they busted a house, it...
  5. The Grouch

    Pot Luck! Beta Build PC Stealth Grow

    Lo there Gingermark, Cheers! I'd keep looking up stuff on this forum and others on PC cases, thats how I learnt alot of this stuff. I imagine a modified filing cabinet would be a great shout for an indoor grow cab. My PC case is 24" but even then, I'm running out of room! I hate to upset the...
  6. The Grouch

    Pot Luck! Beta Build PC Stealth Grow

    Cheers Weedman, I have seen that page in my travels. Been doing alot of reading up on the subject. Of my two cases, the pair are being LST'ed and I'm using SCROG on my other baby in its own case...
  7. The Grouch

    My $0 PC Grow Box

    Ignore the dismissive comments, its all a learning curve, and for me, half the fun! I would suggest you check out some of the threads on this site though. I have learnt alot. Some people have had loads of success with PC grow boxes... I will be watching with interest! Big up ya fella!
  8. The Grouch

    Pc Grow Case

    I'm experimenting with a PC case grow. First time, but I've done alot of research on the subject and built my own. Going well so far. I guess its horses for courses. People should enjoy their grows in whatever shape or form it takes and what works for them. The bitchin' should be left for pop...
  9. The Grouch

    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    I made my own, as there are plenty of tutorials out there. I'm a newbie grower experimenting with PC Case stealth grows. This one works for me! Not everyone cup of tea, but I'm working on home grown, home made!
  10. The Grouch

    Pot Luck! Beta Build PC Stealth Grow

    Sorry for the late update. General life, work and family have keep me offline for the last few weeks. I have been busy however... After my initial foray into a stealth PC grow box, (see previous post). I have really got the bug! So I went to work on version two.. I really wanted to see...
  11. The Grouch

    Pot Luck! Beta Build PC Stealth Grow

    Please, no apologies for the reply! You don't come off as an asshole, but someone who's read my post and commented on the flaws in my rig. Cheers dude! End of the night for me here, C.Indica, but your reply is met with thanks and appreciation! Theres alot for me to read up on, unfortunately...
  12. The Grouch

    Pot Luck! Beta Build PC Stealth Grow

    Hi all, Long time fan, first time poster... Long time toker, first time grower...;-) This is my beta build for a PC stealth grow... cobbled together over a wet weekend, I have plans in my head for a larger version using an old server case that will give me more headroom and room for...