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  1. Queezy8708

    Im growing some "Bagseed" and I need some help.

    True. Thanks dude!!!!
  2. Queezy8708

    Im growing some "Bagseed" and I need some help.

    You guys think Ill get a pretty good yield??
  3. Queezy8708

    Im growing some "Bagseed" and I need some help.

    Hey everyone. I just wanted to keep up with this post and show you my bag seed babies which turned out to be almost all females. So far I have some huge plants because I vegetated them for about 2 months. They all look like sativas or hybrids, and I cant wait to see what Im going to get at harvest.
  4. Queezy8708

    Im growing some "Bagseed" and I need some help.

    So far I have 1 definite female. I also think I have another one but Im going to wait a few more days just to make sure.
  5. Queezy8708

    Im growing some "Bagseed" and I need some help.

    Dam guys Ive been trying to figure out the sexes of my plants and I peeped one of them with these balls one on each side with a little white hair growing out. Could that indicate the first signs of a Female? If so then HELL YESS!!! I would take a picture but its so hard to get the hairs that...
  6. Queezy8708

    Im growing some "Bagseed" and I need some help.

    Could it be that I was spraying the leaves with PH water and a little bit of nutes with my spray bottle. I took the left over gallon of water that I mixed with 1/2 nutes and have been spraying them pretty much like every 2 days. I was just reading a post with a dude that had the same problem as...
  7. Queezy8708

    Im growing some "Bagseed" and I need some help.

    Anyone else have any comments??
  8. Queezy8708

    Im growing some "Bagseed" and I need some help.

    Hey wats up everyone? Well I woke up today and noticed some problems with my plants. One of them is a lush green looks real healthy until you look into some of its leaves which have like theses brown stains on them. Two of my other plants are a little yellowish green and have not changed color...
  9. Queezy8708

    Im growing some "Bagseed" and I need some help.

    DAMN THATS GOOD TO KNOW. So I just water once with fertilizer than water the rest of the week with PH'ed water? Dam thats good cuz I would of probably killed my plants.
  10. Queezy8708

    Im growing some "Bagseed" and I need some help.

    I think its because I over watered it when I transplanted. I still put it alittle closer to the light. I also flushed it the three that I transplanted today with Ph'ed water at around 6.5 - 6.8 with half a tsp of the vegging nutrients and one tbsp of the additive nutrients. I'm basically doing...
  11. Queezy8708

    Im growing some "Bagseed" and I need some help.

    Alright here are the pics that i forgot to post. Let me know if theyre to close to the light.
  12. Queezy8708

    Im growing some "Bagseed" and I need some help.

    Chexk em out now. I just transplanted them a few days ago and they seem to be getting greener and healthier. I also juss started using the fox farm nutes last week. PLease give opinions and feedback. I would also like to know if the light is too close to the plants. Its a 400 watt Metal Halide.
  13. Queezy8708

    Stunted growth and leaves curling 'up' like Mg deficiency

    I transplante my plants yesterday and boy were they rootbound. Ive learned that its smart to jus plant your seedling or sprout in a container that will last it its whole life. Never again will I use small cups. I just hope that my plants will grow better from now on. By the way does anyone have...
  14. Queezy8708

    Stunted growth and leaves curling 'up' like Mg deficiency

    I just tranplanted most of my plants into bigger 3-4 gallon pots and watered them with half strength solution. I hope they get better.
  15. Queezy8708

    Stunted growth and leaves curling 'up' like Mg deficiency

    Dude my shits are in the same type of cups and are having the same exact problem. What happened when you transplanted them?
  16. Queezy8708

    Im growing some "Bagseed" and I need some help.

    alright any other advice anyone?
  17. Queezy8708

    Im growing some "Bagseed" and I need some help.

    For some reason the plants are gettng pale and some are yellowing. I have the light about three feet away from the plant, the PH of the yellowed plants are at 6.5 and Im watering with distilled water with a PH around 6.0-6.5. Im not sure sure what to expect so someone please leave their opinion.
  18. Queezy8708

    Im growing some "Bagseed" and I need some help.

    Oh ofcourse, I meant for my flowering period when its time to get my other lamp, not now. Cmon man I know I just wanted to now as a future reference. Thanks anyways dude. Be Easy.
  19. Queezy8708

    Im growing some "Bagseed" and I need some help.

    Do you think If I were to get a 1000 watt hps light over a 600 watt hps, the yield would suffer. Also if I were to get the 1000 watt hps light would it really increase my bill dramatically. Good Looks...
  20. Queezy8708

    Im growing some "Bagseed" and I need some help.

    Well it's been about three weeks and some change, and I can see some yellowing starting on some of the plants. I juss bought some Grow big ferts by foxfarm and I'm going to start at half strength solution, Is that cool? Also I appreciate the feedback bro, keep em coming. Peace...