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  1. Brian11543

    Is this normal?

    First words of the thread, this is my first grow.
  2. Brian11543

    Is this normal?

    get yourself a moisture meter, any hydro store, garden center will have them. About 10 - 15 bucks, stick the probe in the soil, it tells you how wet it is, act accordingly. Takes the guesswork out.
  3. Brian11543

    Storm Damage Advice

    you can stake it up or you can put a tomato cage over it, either will work.
  4. Brian11543

    redish-purple veins what the cause of this?

    probably just strain related, pics help.
  5. Brian11543

    Is this normal?

    seedlings don't need the light that close, they are fine at that height. Seedlings I grow in 16oz cups, little plant + big pot = hard to keep evenly moist, test the soil with your finger, when it feels dry an inch or two down, add water. A small plant doesn't need a ton of water 4 or 5...
  6. Brian11543

    Seedy Batch!

    plants can not make seeds without pollen being involved, it's like making a baby by jerking off into a kleenex, it can not happen. You either had pollen in your grow area from an unknown source (unlikely) or you had a hermie, ONE, pollen sac would be enough to do it and could be easily missed...
  7. Brian11543


    of course not transplanting has also been shown to hinder growth, just sayin
  8. Brian11543

    Is this normal?

    1 plant per pot, add more perlite your soil, looks very clumpy. 3 cups soil - 1 cup perlite, mix. If the soil is truly nutrient free, water them with a weak mixture of nutes 1/4 strength every 3rd watering. The leaves, looks like either poor drainage or over watering, possibly both.
  9. Brian11543

    cant figure out what this curling is

    maybe just give it some time then if it is otherwise healthy. A 2 gallon pot to me seems too small tho.
  10. Brian11543

    Orangeish bownish edges on new growth leaves, HELP

    a lot of miracle grow is time release nutrients, it may be too hot for your plant. Hard to say for sure without a pic. What's your Ph at?
  11. Brian11543

    Orangeish bownish edges on new growth leaves, HELP

    is it too hot at the top of your plants to keep your hand there? What's it growing in? Type of soil?
  12. Brian11543

    White Flies

    get some no pest strips,
  13. Brian11543

    Orangeish bownish edges on new growth leaves, HELP

    pics help, 8" seems close
  14. Brian11543

    cant figure out what this curling is

    over/under watering? how big is your pot, root bound?
  15. Brian11543

    cant figure out what this curling is

    indoor? outdoor? temps?
  16. Brian11543

    Outdoor Training?

    I agree, tie it down for sure, topping will help too.
  17. Brian11543

    ideas for amending clay soil.

    organic matter, as much as possible, compost, leaves, peat moss, grass clippings, etc. I'd also add some lime and phosphorous, and you have to work it all into the clay about a foot. When you're done you will have a mound of sorts, breaking up clay to make it better doesn't happen overnight...
  18. Brian11543

    Concealed Pistol & MM Card

    from what I understand you can NOT carry both at the same time, only 1 or the other.
  19. Brian11543

    burning issue?

    that looks like an accident waiting to happen
  20. Brian11543

    How can I improve my grow? Have pics!

    the purple stems could be strain related or a phosphorous deficiency