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  1. Beegeplaya6969

    Am i screwed???

    So if you continually pick off the sacks???
  2. Beegeplaya6969

    God's Perp... HERMIE!?!?!

    where is the fdd thing about getting rid of the pollen??
  3. Beegeplaya6969

    God's Perp... HERMIE!?!?!

    A couple days after the pistils started coming out there were small sacks. So I took a few pictures and everyone on here said it was hermie and to start picking the sacks off cause they make seeds. I'm just confused if these sacks contain the pollen to germinate seeds or do they actually make...
  4. Beegeplaya6969

    God's Perp... HERMIE!?!?!

    My baby has been flowering for almost a month, and I'm pretty sure it is a hermie. It started off with all white hairs on all of the nodes, but then little small sacks began to form all around the small buds. I tried to pick them off with some tweezers, but now some of them are opening up and it...
  5. Beegeplaya6969

    God's Perp... HERMIE!?!?!

    My baby has been flowering for almost a month, and I'm pretty sure it is a hermie. It started off with all white hairs on all of the nodes, but then little small sacks began to form all around the small buds. I tried to pick them off with some tweezers, but now some of them are opening up and...
  6. Beegeplaya6969

    This is a hermie right??? w/ pics

  7. Beegeplaya6969

    This is a hermie right??? w/ pics

    so what are the leaves inside or is that pollen or what. Screw this I'm tossin the bitch
  8. Beegeplaya6969

    This is a hermie right??? w/ pics

    ...fuck I was hoping not... It's my only plant right now, so I guess I'll just try cutting the sacks off. It's weird though, some of them have opened up and it just looks like leaves inside. Is this just the early formation of seeds, or what. If I try and pick out all the seeds, to the...
  9. Beegeplaya6969

    This is a hermie right??? w/ pics

    Yeah right now it's my only one. Can you tell from the pictures what she looks like... There's definitely female parts, but I'm not sure if I'm looking at male sacks or new growth...
  10. Beegeplaya6969

    Calxyes Swelling

    What do you mean just hairs? What are the calxyes>?
  11. Beegeplaya6969

    This is a hermie right??? w/ pics

    I have been flowering this bitch for a little over three weeks and she has white pistils coming out of every node and the leaves are getting all sticky with thc hairs... BUT there seems to be little sacks all over. Does that mean it is a hermie, or male, or what? Could it just be new growths...
  12. Beegeplaya6969

    Eight days into flowering... Is this a male (with pics) : (

    Yeah I feel you bro, this bitch is starting to crystal up and there are hairs everywhere and people are still tellin me its a dude... I have no idea lol I just wanna BLAZE
  13. Beegeplaya6969

    Eight days into flowering... Is this a male (with pics) : (

    I have a 40 watt fluorescent tube going over both of my plants about an inch over their tops. I also have four 100 watt cfl's placed around the plants at various elevations to get the tops of the plants, but also the buds down below as well. And I rotate the plants everyday and spray the leaves...
  14. Beegeplaya6969

    Three weeks into flowering, how's she looking boys?

    I have a 40 watt fluorescent tube going over both of my plants about an inch over their tops. I also have four 100 watt cfl's placed around the plants at various elevations to get the tops of the plants, but also the buds down below as well. And I rotate the plants everyday and spray the...
  15. Beegeplaya6969

    Three weeks into flowering, how's she looking boys?

    About how much longer in the flowering stage do you think???
  16. Beegeplaya6969

    How long does flowering typically take?

    How do you go about drying and curing. What are the best methods that you guys have found to work real well... Also you just waited till your bigger leaves started to fall off?? Thats when you started flushing, right?
  17. Beegeplaya6969

    Eight days into flowering... Is this a male (with pics) : (

    Ha ha well I did have TWO plants... One male and one female. Made cannibutter with the male and was pleasantly surprised. Now I'm puttin all my marbles in this little baby... ; )
  18. Beegeplaya6969

    Eight days into flowering... Is this a male (with pics) : (

    I didn't think that the males had hairs... and the leaves are getting all hairy too??? You sure budddy?
  19. Beegeplaya6969

    Three weeks into flowering, how's she looking boys?

    Yeah right now I have a fluorescent tube on the very top and two 100 watt cfl's on either side near the top... How much bigger do they get would you think, and approximately how long should you keep your plant in flowering?? THanks guys