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  1. F

    Best & safest Pesticide to use During Flowering????

    the lady bugs around my house eat plants....toads are a better natural solution.
  2. F

    discovered best organic pesticide

    I haven't had any problems at all with bugs while growing this plant. I have some fox farms "dont bug me" but have only used it twice as a preventative measure. I saw a toad around the plant a month or so ago, but he hopped away and I didn't think about it anymore. Until today that is. I...
  3. F

    my first ever plant grown outdoors...little snowryder in texas heat

    Yeah its an auto = snow white & lowryder
  4. F

    my first ever plant grown outdoors...little snowryder in texas heat

    I'm a newbie here and in growing. I planted my first ever seeds the first week in May. I live in the DFW area and have been living through a very hot summer. The two hottest days at my house were both 110, and its been over a hundred now for I think 43 days. My only other post was right...
  5. F

    how do you know when you're 2 weeks away from harvest? need to know when to flush

    This is my first grow and first post here, but I've used the search function and read a lot of posts, so I think I have the vast majority of my questions answered. The only thing I can't seem to find via search is how to know when your plants are 2 weeks away from harvest so you know when to...