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  1. BigMrC

    My First Grow...

    subbed. those are some beautiful looking girls you got there. how old are they in the pics, i'd guess about 7 weeks? i'd be interested in seeing what the final yield is and hearing a smoke report when they're done as i've also got some little cheese on the way, almost 4 weeks in. also, what sort...
  2. BigMrC

    has anybody grown...

    here's some sources on this strain. not much info but i guess u can ask the growers:
  3. BigMrC

    My First Grow!

    p.s. i found this thread: to be a great resource on autos.
  4. BigMrC

    My First Grow!

    my understanding of autos is that u don't have to change to 12/12 to make it flower, it will flower based on it's age. i also understand that u can grow and flower an auto under any light schedule from start to finish and it will happily do it's thing. i've read that u can go 12/12 if needed...
  5. BigMrC


    depending on where u live u can either pick them from the wild (only if u know what you're doing as the wrong ones can kill you) or order them fresh online (i think this is illegal in most places, certainly is in the UK now) or get some spores/a growing kit. to dry them i laid them out and had...
  6. BigMrC

    Power Africa, Northern Soul, Auto Little Cheese Grow

    hey ryan, how are the little cheeses doing? i'm interested as i've got seeds for them on the way.