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  1. Z

    Poppies In Flowering Room.

    They bloom about midsummer so that would be about 18 hrs of light so that puts em in with the veg phase. at least thats what Im going to try
  2. Z

    when are males ready?

    hang something to under the pollen sac and wait for it to fall doesnt take much of an air current to disperse it
  3. Z

    cost effective exhaust fan.

    Get a small squirel cage blower from maybe a bath vent, air purifier or flea market and fit it to your ductwork
  4. Z

    Need to know how many watts per 110 Elec outlet please

    Look in the breaker box or fuse box and find the one that in connected to the outlet you want to use. And its power= volts x current
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    How much does the size of the exhaust hole matter?

    Have you considered locting the ballasts remotely ? Might be esier to deal with the heat. They say dont run more than 25ft of wire to the lamp to avoid starting problems but it has a lot to do with the condition of the ignitor.
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    Opium Poppies

    Persian whites and tasmanians are what you want
  7. Z

    Flat White vs Gloss white???

    That would be gloss but its a long way from polished Al or mylar
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    which are best cloning lights

    I use 100 W equivalent spiral CF. It doesnt really matter what kind. What does matter is the intensity. Lower than full blast veg levels till the roots get going.
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    Need help wiring fan and variable switch

    Cant tell anything from your pics but the usuall way to vary an ac motor speed is with a triac circuit. Whats in it and how it works: AC MOTOR CONTROL Wire it in series with the motor in the hot leg.. Also dims incandescent lamps.
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    lights lights lights

    They like blue light but its kinda wimpy. I have 2 of om over a 10gal saltwater tank and its barely enought. Maybe if youre into Banzi
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    Roll you own meters

    Ok. Heres my take on it. The circuit is pretty simple- a few op amps in different basic configurations. She describes the operation. It can be built on a solderless breadboard easily. Everything is available from Digikey. The only "big ticket" item is the breadboard. Maybe 25$UDS. Components are...
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    Roll you own meters

    Isabella has done a hellofa fine job with the EC meter project. Havent built it yet but sure it works as well as comercial units. Been thinking of doing something like this for a while and she has saved me a lot of research. It would be interesting to leave the electrodes active all the time and...
  13. Z

    can clones rooted in soil be moved to hydro system

    Right. If the soil is peat moss and perlite (or vermiculite) it outta be ok. But if it contains any garden soil, esp clay, you might not get it all off at first. Then its likely to clog your spray heads sooner or later. The business end of the root is a fine hair. You dont want to rub the roots...
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    AeroGrow questions

    I`m building one of these too. Not nearly as nice as yours but functional I hope. Just a big bucket with a small pond pump, 1/8 " vinyl tubing wiretied into place and discharging on the base of the stem where the roots start. Qnd a plexi window to see WTH is going on in there. Ive built an NFT,a...
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    How long pollination is it strong?

    Pollen remaiins active for a long time.
  16. Z

    The AeroGarden:A good way to get into hydroponics or a waste of money?

    Does the pump run continously ?
  17. Z

    What To Do

    Spray it with fungicide. Daconil or sulphur compound. Maybe try reduciing the water interval.
  18. Z

    Need suggestion on LIGHT proofing a rez and grow chamber.

    You might try wiping the container down with liquid sandpaper. IMethelene chloride and acetone will soften some plastics to where you`ll get adhesion with the paint coat.
  19. Z

    Another TAG project

    Yea gererators are way cool. A car battery, dc to 120vac converter and trickle charger does a nice job to .But hell could just fill the bucket with water- that will hold it at least for a day. I thinking tha maybe I`ll replace the tomato with a clone and put it in the light box. Just finishing...