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  1. knight03

    Where's My Package???

    Yes I live in the mid-wes 3 days, Doc. Chronic. quicker then ever imagined.
  2. knight03

    Where's My Package???

    I have also ordered from nirvana. 5 feminized p.p..p its been 2 weeks and nothing. I will prob. not order from them again. I ordered 2 seperate times from dr chronic AFTER my order from nirvana, And have recieved both packages in three days after order. Now thats keeping this customer happy...
  3. knight03

    Growing weed in toilet

    Very nice idea cane. However your definatly not the first. Check these...First three are my flowering room 400 hps. Fourth is day 7 in flower. I call her big bitch. she was grown in regular sunlight in a window for 2 months then given to me. I re-vegged for 2 weeks then flower. This is my first...