I do have some nuts I purchased Flora Nova grow 7-4-10 I was told foxfarm soil should provide the nuts for the first. Couple weeks. Should I use the floranova already its only been 4 days. If I should use it do you recommended 1 tesp per gal?or less for for first nuts? Should I water till it...
OK the soil feels still pretty moist I gave them some water yesterday morning was thinking I should wait till timorous to water again. Do u think I should water today?
Ya I am trying to figure out the pics but I'm doing this all on my phone. But anyways they are in netted pots with. Fox farm ocean forest soil. Temp is staying around 75 with 45% h'm. Temps drop down to 70 at night. I just been using tap water that I let sit for 24hrs . By the way they have been...
Hows it going this is my first grow and I got there's clones from the local dispensary. Any ways on two of my little babies have one leaf that is turning yellow. Is this normal. Do I need to change something I'm doing? Any help or advise appreciated