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  1. doses.kush.fucker

    Plants Refusing to be Sexual - No balls, no vag

    Sometimes the plant will not show until you change light cycle to 12/12 and sometimes still will take a week or two. Good luck
  2. doses.kush.fucker

    I have a problem,is there someone to help me?

    dont have to buy a whole RO system you can buy refillable jugs and fill them at your grocery. and its super cheap cents on the gallon. And if you are going to use tap water fill a couple of 5gal buckets and let them set out over night to let all the additives to clean the water. unless does your...
  3. doses.kush.fucker

    I have a problem,is there someone to help me?

    if you did switch to RO water compared to tap you will be able to see a big difference. It looks to be some sort of a nute deficiency. might be nitrogen with the yellowing of the leaves.
  4. doses.kush.fucker

    is this plant finishing or dying?

    yea that looks super stressed and locked up
  5. doses.kush.fucker

    What does it take to yield BIG

    You can get running on $2500 will not be a professional setup by any means but after every pull figure a certain percentage to put back into your room to make it the room you want it to be and pull the quantity you desire. Best of luck
  6. doses.kush.fucker

    hows it looking now??? just interested in the out come if it ended up being a girl or not???

    hows it looking now??? just interested in the out come if it ended up being a girl or not???
  7. doses.kush.fucker

    Should pot be 100% legal yes or no?

    i agree with the comment above....if they would just regulations/laws like with alcohol and tobacco
  8. doses.kush.fucker

    Could Legalization Help The US Debt Issue?

    Phillip Morris the big wig for tobacco has already purchased land and is waiting for it to become total legal so he can get his greedy hands in the pot...... literally..
  9. doses.kush.fucker

    100% Organic LA Confidential @ day 56, one week left

    she so purrrrrrrttttty nice job brotha man!!!!!!
  10. doses.kush.fucker

    yea i cant see nothing it wont let the pic get any larger

    yea i cant see nothing it wont let the pic get any larger
  11. doses.kush.fucker

    can't get seeds to germinate

    i soak mine in a shot glass of r/o water on top of my t5 light with a solo cup over it till you can see the husk has cracked then put in the wet paper towel in a small zip lock bag to keep the humidity up for at least another day or so until there is a nice lil white finger coming out. I have...
  12. doses.kush.fucker

    Should pot be 100% legal yes or no?

    does the pope shit in the woods?!?!?!?! of course it should be..... are roses illegal? no and why should our most beautiful and precious flowers be?
  13. doses.kush.fucker

    Could Legalization Help The US Debt Issue?

    agreed how many people do you know that have over dosed smoking marijuana......I personal cant name anyone only can say the worst thing would be a bad case of the munchies.
  14. doses.kush.fucker

    Could Legalization Help The US Debt Issue?

    I highly believe that it would mos def help the debt issue......but why should we get taxed on it. The reason that we are in debt are 1. the u.s.a is always trying to be captain save a hoe and be the world police, 2. we have been fighting a unnecessary war in both Iraq and Afghanistan they dont...
  15. doses.kush.fucker

    you should really invest in a Carbon scrubber.....PHRESH is a company that makes reallly good...

    you should really invest in a Carbon scrubber.....PHRESH is a company that makes reallly good product and have all sizes depending on the size of your room and you will also need a inline fan and depending how big the size of you room and scrubber will need that size fan and the fan will have a...
  16. doses.kush.fucker

    Wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!! Budding on the fan leaf?

    wow never seen that b4........arent they such mysterious lil
  17. doses.kush.fucker

    Flora Shield Application Directions

    I just started using flora shield as a foliar spray and do not wanna over do it.....does or has anyone used it as a foliar spary?? How often do u apply?? N have u had sucsess with it?? All info n tips will be apperciated......thanks