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  1. BeginnerGrowOp

    How to Sell and Not Get Caught

    now that i am closing this account, i would like to say that people on the forums are generally trolls and real sellers don't post shit about selling. end of story. CLOSE THIS THREAD.
  2. BeginnerGrowOp

    Is taking Zyrtec and DXM safe?

    yup i was fine i even took 600 mg and it kind of sucked after like 2 hours i got the physical uncoordinated feeling and a headache, and after 4 i just got slightly stupid. i remained stupid until i went to bed, woke up with a headache, and after 12 hours all symptoms were gone. same thing with...
  3. BeginnerGrowOp

    Is taking Zyrtec and DXM safe?

    somebody please help me out here! i take zyrtec every day in the morning. will this affect me if i intake DXM at night?
  4. BeginnerGrowOp

    Is taking Zyrtec and DXM safe?

    I take on small pill of zyrtec for my allergies every day. If i consume like 600mg DXM polisitrex will i OD or something?
  5. BeginnerGrowOp

    Buying Ecstasy Online?

    Not sure if you would consider MDMA a flat out hallucinatory substance but does anybody know a reliable site where I could buy pure MDMA online? I mean it was easy for multiple seeds to be delivered. I'm just not trying to pay $40 a fucking pill... no sir
  6. BeginnerGrowOp

    can i tan with my fluorescent grow lights????

    i definitely will
  7. BeginnerGrowOp

    can i tan with my fluorescent grow lights????

    holy shit i just thought about this would it work do you think?
  8. BeginnerGrowOp

    BS marijuana information on the internet

    fucking hate that rhetoric people put out there when they havent even smokked themselves
  9. BeginnerGrowOp

    How to Sell and Not Get Caught

    Im on my shitty phone right now so I cant really read or respond to (probably) multiple misconceptions. But i will say that this guy i just quoted has it fucking right!!!!
  10. BeginnerGrowOp

    Pure DXM Dosages

    Thanks a lot this summarizes a lot of jumbled information I've been looking over. I'm assuming there won't be such extremely colorful visuals like I saw while tripping before, I'm sure it will be an interesting change.
  11. BeginnerGrowOp

    Wtf is going on, side effects of marijuana?

    Who did you get the weed from??? The emotional/psychological symptoms you indicated seemed to be a more dilute experience of what people on dissociatives like pcp experience. If you have a shady-ass ghetto dealer, or somebody who wanted to fuck you over, he might have coated your bud with PCP...
  12. BeginnerGrowOp

    What to do on dxm

    I wouldn't recommend music if its your first time tripping and you plan on reaching a higher-level plateau. Depending on the type of music it can scare the shit out of you. For instance at the end of Down and Out by Kid Cudi the music beat slowed down depressingly and me being a stupid ass...
  13. BeginnerGrowOp

    How to Sell and Not Get Caught

    What do you really have moral concerns because the government created a law???? In that case than I do see that an individual like yourself would abhor my stance. However the kind of person I am does not relegate personal actions due to what the government mandates in law, but because of...
  14. BeginnerGrowOp

    how long before my plants begin to smell??

    got some kc42 brains a while ago and they are almost three weeks old now... im not sure if im smelling soil or weed yet because the odor is pretty soft, but how long should i expect before the smell becomes noticeable?
  15. BeginnerGrowOp

    How to Sell and Not Get Caught

    Why is everybody delving into technicalities? So what marijuana is a Schedule I drug under federal policy, in practice the sale of medical marijuana in California is a phenomenon that is not being prosecuted at the state or federal level. So why worry about federal policy when a cop can show up...
  16. BeginnerGrowOp

    Pure DXM Dosages

    I am planning on isolating DXM using the method found on this page: Anyway, about how many milligrams would you recommend for mild tripping for a first-time user to DXM? What about for more moderate tripping? And can anybody who has been...
  17. BeginnerGrowOp

    Pure DXM Dosages

    I am planning on isolating DXM using the method found on this page: Anyway, about how many milligrams would you recommend for mild tripping for a first-time user to DXM? What about for more moderate tripping? And can anybody who has...
  18. BeginnerGrowOp

    Starting Seedlings Outdoors

    bump and thanks lince i never thought of that. this thread is pretty relevant to me too.
  19. BeginnerGrowOp

    70 mg 4 aco DMT: UNREAL

    Just to clarify, I did know the dosage and I am certain about the purity of the 4-aco DMT. I did my research using Erowid and I must have stumbled across too many exaggerators who talked about doing 150 mg and enjoying their trip. I was over-confident in my ability to handle a 70 mg dose, but...
  20. BeginnerGrowOp

    70 mg 4 aco DMT: UNREAL

    Yesterday I just experienced my first trip, and the hallucinations and effects were absolutely insane. I have been researching some of the bizarre sensations I felt while I was on this substance, and I cannot find any accounts that parallel mine. So, I am going to list my symptoms, and I want...