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  1. G

    Famous People You Would Like To Smoke With

    Heres my list: George carling Jim carrey George w Paul mccartney Will ferrell
  2. G

    Most Embarassing Toking Moments

    We've all had them... let's here some of your most embarrassing toking moments, whether you were with friends or by yourself :shock:
  3. G

    What equipment do you use?

    How many plants can i grow in there you think? Is that enough light? Reason i ask is i see people on here using 1000w
  4. G

    What equipment do you use?

    Ive got a 5x5 space indoors to do a grow. What equipment do you use? I guess im looking for a shopping list of sorts. What all do i need? I want to grow them in soil cause its less maintenance. I will only have the 1 space so veg and flower need to be done in the same room.
  5. G

    How safe is it really to grow?

    Ive heard all kinds of horror stories about electric companies tipping off the police abd neighbors reporting lights at night or flir. I just want to know how safe is growing?
  6. G

    Grow room advice

    So as long as i dont tell anyone and pay my bill i can have a smal grow op without any suspicion. I mean i will never let anyone know that i smoke weed.
  7. G

    Grow room advice

    Im just looking to have about a pound every 3 months. And im worried someone will know about my grow op. Will the electric company suspect me?
  8. G

    Grow room advice

    I was wondering if i just wanted to grow about 36 plants a year for personal use. Im fixing to move into my own place and was wondering what supplies i would need to produce 6 plants every 3 months. Would a 1000watt hps be enough for 6 plants? I would only have enough room to veg, then switch to...
  9. G

    What a good pocket scale?

    Does any know any reputable sites and have you seen any good ones. It only needz to be able to weight up to max 4 ounces
  10. G

    How many growers have had plants jacked?

    Seeing if any growers out there suffer from their plots being discovered. I hear its a problem in my area here lately.
  11. G

    Post your best cop story

    I live in a town that has a high density of cops whose priority #1 mission is to bust kids smoking bud. This one night I was with two friends, and we were driving in my car. It was almost midnight so i was going to drop my two friends off shortly, but we decided to smoke a bowl at a park...
  12. G

    You Know Your Stoned When...

    I got another one -when you go home with a big red lighter and a small white one, though you left home with a big green lighter.
  13. G

    You Know Your Stoned When...

    You put your lighter in your mouth and try to light it with your bowl. (true story You know your high when you go to work blitzed and relize your not supposed to be there till tomorrow -you stare at the T.V when its not turned on.... ... when you and ur friend are smokin in the car and...
  14. G

    Describe Your Relationships With Weed?

    So here is some questions I was wondering what is it like when you get high .....and what do you do? Hopefully this will give me and others new things to try/do when I'm smoking up next time. 1) What do you guys like to do with weed when you have it (favorite way of smoking bong,pipe,joints...
  15. G

    Who's The Next President?

    Vote for Trump, he's against the war on drugs
  16. G

    male? you decide!

    Yeah it's hard to tell. I don't see any sex yet either
  17. G

    easy quick question for a expert

    Lol @Jesus of cannabis. If you search on this threads it will give you basic information. So far the search tool has been my best friend. Read, the information is there.
  18. G

    GreenNuggets first outdoor guerilla grow

    Hey everybody, welcome to my first grow journal. I'm new to growing and despite all the bullshit I decided I would try this shit myself. Anyway, I've started these three plants early without any germination (just threw them in soil) just as a sort of practice run before I plant my other seeds...
  19. G

    easy quick question for a expert

    If you want a more couchlock type high wait til the trichromes are amber to cloudy.
  20. G

    New to this. A couple of bagseeds.

    I've already got some of the miracle grow ferts. I wa hoping the superthrive would bulk them up a little. I will def use that MG in A few weeks though