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  1. N

    F Me My Girls are Starting to Flower

    There isnt a lot you can really do. Short of taking them indoor's and running them under lights on a 16/8 schedule. Only real option is to make sure they aren't in the shade. And take it as a learning lesson on timing you're outdoor grow's better. Though hopefully some one with more experience...
  2. N

    Beginning of a Magic. Outdoor Grow 2011

    is the lizard on the wall real ?
  3. N

    Here We Go Again! Outdoor Greenhouse Grow Multistrain (Jhod58vw Style)

    where did you get the greenhouse ? I am looking for one like yours to help hide what I am growing.
  4. N

    Hormone use to force female every plant from seed

    I would think it would be easier, and simpler just to cut a few clones. But it would make for a good read if you try it.
  5. N

    Reflecting the Sun for Bigger Yields

    They did a second part on it and showed a temperature rise on the exact focus beam to be over 200f.
  6. N

    corn field grow set up?

    No offense but it's a retarded idea to plant you're cannabis in a corn field. By default farmer's keep an eye on their property and are friendly with the local cops. Secondly they spray a lot and I mean a lot of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and harvest earlier then you're plant's...
  7. N

    Marijuana Stock To Watch

    I'd risk a pound or two on a 500:1 bet
  8. N

    Turtle Poop

    salmonella and possibly e coli.
  9. N

    How do i deal with smell outdoor?

    It has to do with them reaching sexual maturity, you're best bet is to get them fixed as babies.