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  1. D

    first time grower list of items and critique

    I am happy you suggested that. I know that there is a huge debate over which electronic ballasts are better and was going to go for nextgen, quantum or (now anyways) phantom. Guess I still have this to thing about. What do you guys think about nutes list. Is it too much for a first timer? And...
  2. D

    First grow list of things and critiques

    Thank you for your replies. I can agree with cutting down the nutes for saving cost, but if I were to keep them, will it really complicate things all that much? it seems that you just take measurements of the items and cycle them through, eliminating one for the other during certain weeks of...
  3. D

    first time grower list of items and critique

    Hello Everyone. I have been reading this forum and other like it and have decided to grow medicinal mj for the first time. I will be doing this grow in my college dorm room and the school authorities will not interfere. My goal is to have all the following equipment and start my first grow...
  4. D

    First grow list of things and critiques

    Hello Everyone. I have been reading this forum and other like it and have decided to grow medicinal marijuana for the first time. I will be doing this grow in my college dorm room and the school authorities will not interfere. My goal is to have all the following equipment and start my first...