Search results

  1. M

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I have found the the strongboxes and boy they do look to be a better pick. To bad I am about 80 miles from HD or lowes lol. I am not needing any of the units just yet so I am opt to go after the strongboxes. The last time I had a cycle going I had a Thrip problem or at lest that what I think...
  2. M

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Strongboxes? IS that the name brand? I all ready have 3 Rubbermaid's still need 1 more but have not began construction on the units yet. So I could return them for the others if it would be beneficial. do you maybe have a link for the boxes your recommending? I will do a search and see what I...
  3. M

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    StinkBud Thank you for sharing your Knowledge and designs with us! All ready got the supplies for cloner, Veg, and 1 flower set up. Been trying to get caught up on all of the info amogest these pages but have only made it to about 110 or so. any way look forward to learning more from this thread.
  4. M

    New to roll it up

    Hey thanks racer. I have been reading the posts on here for awhile finally decided it was time to sign up since I was lurking around so much lol. Thanks for the welcome and looking forward to being able to post on here now.
  5. M

    New to roll it up

    Pretty new to growing still. I have 2 grows under my belt. I am a Med. Card holder. I am a Iraq War Vet. Joined the site trying to find more information so that I can turn out my own meds. Got 3 strains I am starting from seed now. Sage & Sour, Acid, Blue Cheese. Looking to maybe add more but...