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  1. M

    Just Discovered Brownish Bugs Feeding All Over Roots

    So I discovered a bunch of small "mite" looking brownish bugs in my medium today. After further investigation I realized there are LOTS of them deep down feeding in the root structure. Any idea what these are? Are they Aphids? I also have some winged gnat looking things that I'm getting with...
  2. M

    Browning Tips 4 Days into Flowering

    Great thanks for the advice :) I'll switch back to Veg solution until the 3rd week
  3. M

    Browning Tips 4 Days into Flowering

    Thanks Max. I was at 1500ppm during the veg stage and cut back to 700ppm for the new flowering solution to start. Still think thats too high?
  4. M

    Browning Tips 4 Days into Flowering

    Thanks for the chart G. Thinking it was a Potassium issue with it being so early in the phase. Medium is 4" rockwool cubes in 9" pots with loose rockwool surrounding.
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    Browning Tips 4 Days into Flowering

    I just started the flowering cycle 4 days ago and have noticed a few leaves up towards the top of a couple plants have started to brown on the tips. pH is 5.7 and I cut the nutes from 1500ppm from veg solution to 700ppm for flowering solution for this first week of transition. Photos...
  6. M

    How much power can I use before it becomes suspicious?

    I agree with SnakierGrizzly. For all they know you could have set up AC, a new fish tank maybe...or even added an extension to the house or something. They are worried about one thing Pay on time and your fine. They are also looking for people stealing power.
  7. M

    Slow Growth...why?

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm using a 1000wt MH lamp. Considering other plants of the same strain are growing rapidly right next to Gert, I dont think lighting is a problem. The fact that I named my runt shows she's a keeper :) I'll post some pics soon.
  8. M

    I Bite off more than i can PLEASE HELP...

    Plain and simple...keep to a schedule. Consistency is key when it comes to indoor growing. Any time to introduce change to plants it's needs to be as minimal as possible. I would take your nutes down to 1/4 strength with 5.5 -5.8 ph for about a week and make sure you let the medium dry a bit...
  9. M

    Slow Growth...why?

    So I am 4 weeks into my first grow and so far so good. I have 3 strains...Arm Skunk, Blockhead and Buddahs Sister. I started clones in 4" rockwool cubes and growth has been great for the most part except for one single plant of the buddas sister strain. Several of the same strain have doubled in...