Organic Choice MG potting soil. I was watering every day for a while but i've backed off since my last post. Not testing ph. Still haven't bought that yet.
About 6-7 weeks old now. Got some sick looking leaves. Just transplanted one to a larger pot and put in organic choice mg soil. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
They are the swirley i don't know for sure..75 watts...Miracle grow potting soil..the only thing i do is water them every day and drain them sometimes... but like i said brother i need all the help i can get so i appreciate it.
These are two plants I've got growing in my bathroom. I really didn't expect them to do this well, but now that they are I don't want to lose them. They are about 5 weeks old. I need ANY tips. I have no clue what I am doing so any walkthrough would be greatly apprecitated. Thanks