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  1. Q

    How do they look?

    can i ask what exact kind of CFL bulb that is, looks like thats working out great for you man.
  2. Q

    Questions about flourescent tubes..

    so maybe growing them to 6 inches under this light would be okay? or is that still a little big ?
  3. Q

    Questions about flourescent tubes..

    I want to know if anyones ever used these phillips " Plant And Aquariam " tubes, and if I should take a better route, someone let me know!!
  4. Q

    Questions about flourescent tubes..

    Alright, so i've been havin trouble in the small space I have to grow finding a decent way to veg my plants in a 3 by 2 area... I went to home depot and bought a flourescent tube fixture that holds 2 24 inch tubes... they are T12 bulbs and I ended up purchasing "Plant And Aquarium" 20 watt...
  5. Q

    Searching for a answer

    absolutely will do. Things are still lookin great
  6. Q

    Searching for a answer

    I think it is the same concept as what you guys are talking about, but I actually built it myself... It consits of a 5 gallon bucket and lid, a submergable pump, some tubing and a spray nozel... I drilled multiple holes in the top of the bucket and the cuttings are hanging through, I bought a...
  7. Q

    Searching for a answer

    ya well i guess my question is more directed to, if it washes it off, will it not root ? cuz after 24hrs where was no more thick root gel on the cutting anymore. It's not spraying hard at all its basically dampening the stem of the cutting and dripping off the end, but I definately dont notice...
  8. Q


    I know i'm a newb, but if ur not letting ur tap water sit out for a long while (24hrs+) it could be at least part of your problem... I had a hard time with seeds and clones when I started, and my bad tap water was what I believe to be the cause.
  9. Q

    Searching for a answer

    Okayyy, maybe my last post was to hard to understand, its a simple cloning question i'm sure most of you already know.. I took some cuttings and dipped them in root hormone, I have them in a situation where water is coating them and dripping off constantly... I want to know if the root...
  10. Q

    I duno where to post this but..

    Heres a pic
  11. Q

    I duno where to post this but..

    I made a cloning bucket that consists of a 5 gallon bucket, a submergable pump, tubing and a sprayer... i have the sprayer mounted to the side of the bucket about 3/4 way up the bucket... anyways... I had a question about when u dip a clone in root hormone, which I have gel.. when I put it on...
  12. Q

    My first attempt ever.

    So now i'm going to be buying a sodium bulb for my 400W shop lighting and using halide and sodium at the same time to flower them, im gonna get a carbon filter ASAP and start this up, i'll post progress pics, i got a bunch of crappy pics of when I started these guys, will be postin later!
  13. Q

    Anyone use shop type lighting ?

    Alright well I changed my whole setup, I opened it up a lot bigger and now im going to be hanging it in the middle of the room, it puts out amazing light that fills the lower part of the plants realllly well. but anyways haha I am sure that plastic in the air wasn't good for them, luckily I...
  14. Q

    Anyone use shop type lighting ?

    Ya so I had quite the scare last night waking up to a intense burning smell, I jump outta bed instantly and see that the corner of my pandafilm came undone and was laying against my bulb I had dangling there slowly burning the film... glad I woke up coulda been a disaster i'd say.. my bulb got...
  15. Q

    Anyone use shop type lighting ?

    Ya I think I do know what you mean, so realistically I could make this into a ballast seperated from the light socket and make some kind of hood for it possibly.. and use it horizontally right ?
  16. Q

    My first attempt ever.

    I have had them on 24 hours of light since I started them under the halide at about 4 inches... I need a new light soon cuz I really didn't want to flower them in this light but I guess I might have to ?
  17. Q

    My first attempt ever.

    Could anyone tell me if the plant on the first top post 4th pic from the left looks like like a male or female or what ? its growing a lot differently than the taller plant on the left.. i'm really that new by the way. lol
  18. Q

    My first attempt ever.

    Here are the other pics !
  19. Q

    My first attempt ever.

    Hey whats up, this is my first attempt ever at this, got inspired through some trimming I did for some cool guys. But anywho, here are some pics of what i have setup, any comments or recomendations would be totally welcomed ! I built this bucket for my clones it has a pump in the bottom and a...
  20. Q

    Anyone use shop type lighting ?

    Hey just a quick question, I got a 400W light that hangs vertically from work, had a huge plastic defuser that I took off, so I just hooked it up aside with my other 400W metal halide and I think the lighting is perfect in the area with this light so I want to use it... just curious if...