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    Worms In Mushrooms?

    you pasteurize the hpoo right? i dont wash em but i do cut off the very bottoms cause its still kinda gross
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    Mushrooms & Contamination

    yeah. i meant that i used alcohol on accident though cause i didnt label it. plus i had quite the healthy buzz at the time. but i ended up tossing the batch. ive found that the organization is pretty helpful in this though (ex. labeling containers with content/dates, gathering all supplies...
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    Mushrooms & Contamination

    i think peroxide is already diluted when you buy it. i use iso alcohol in a mist bottle. but if you use alcohol, or anything else for that matter, be sure to properly label it. i misted a bulk cake with it once thinking it was my water mister. it made the cake dry up and bruise pretty hardcore
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    I need a good book to go pick up

    "a cantacle for lebowitz" if your into that stuff. or anything by kurt vonnegut
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    Another Ohio Grow

    hell yeah man! how many plants do you have left now? good work for sure
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    Purple Pistils.. anybody had similar strains to this before?

    i have this gnarley thing going. its weird because its just one branch like this. your plant looks tasty
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    Bulk Mono Tek Pictorial

    if i could i would!!! these have to do though. its gonna be soon!
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    Bulk Mono Tek Pictorial

    im wondering this also. im gonna be pulling fruit in a couple days:-P
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    Are these the real deal?

    i really dont think those are cubansis dude. maybe another psychoactive, but i dunno i dont think cubes grow in michigan either
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    Guerrilla grower's nightmare Leaf spot disease

    yeah i got pretty discouraged. there for awhile. problems, problems and more problems. i still have a few decent plants though. ill have to get on that copper
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    Guerrilla grower's nightmare Leaf spot disease

    howd i miss this tristy? this is all around and on my stuff. i thought it was bugs! i asked on here and they said n def too. i cant rep you anymore though hahaha:joint:
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    Ohio Growing

    yeah, they were topped. that pic is just 2 plants hahaha
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    Ohio Growing

    so this year has been pretty rough. everything keeps croaking my shit! but im down to 8 plants now but they are all some healthy batches! ive got some pretty rad looking purple buds starting in the pic. its weird cause its just on one branch though. send all your good vibes to the survivors...
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    Poison Oak

    i highly doubt that a plant could absorb urushiol without it being broken down somehow thus changing its effects. thats pretty cool though, ive considered growing tobacco. my grandpa used to have a tobacco farm. do you know how to cure it? how are you going to cut it?
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    Early mold prevention.

    my neem oil bottle says it prevents"fungal diseases" including powdery mildew and more. dunno if it really does
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    Why are Psychedelics the only real ILLEGAL drugs?

    personally, i think your answer is right here
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    Pain when dropping acid

    this could be it. i catch myself every 20 or 30 minutes when dosed and have to command my body to cool it.
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    Understanding your subconscious - An interview on Colbert Report

    its pretty cool verde. but when one becomes aware of their subconscious workings, do they then become part of ones conscious mind and therefore controllable to a degree? then you can start bending your own reality and walking through closet doors and coffee tables and shit like that, right...