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  1. C

    Is this good bud?

    I rolled a j of the stuff today and i noticed that if you pile up the grinded bud, the pile moves looking like its alive (am i really high?) and its really sticky with noticeable trichs. Does this help in anyway? The guy get it off of is pretty chill too he sells it to me for 10 a g and its...
  2. C

    Is this good bud?

    Hey guys havent been here in a while, but heres my story lol. I picked up 3gs of this so called 'white widow' and it looked really nice. Very clean look with lots of crystal and a very hard to describe scent. It smelled like wet lemons (cuz the bud wasnt really dry, not wet either) with some...
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    Could Legalization Help The US Debt Issue?

    lol they do it and make the price of a gram like $50. id rather keep it illegal tbh
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    What's Your Favorite Way to Smoke?

    I mainly prefer smoking joints. I use either raw natural papers or elements rice papers with the raw filter tips. Joints are always good because they are quick and simple, once youre done you can just toss the roach. I dont see why people go crazy over a little cherry burning unless you really...
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    Do I Really Need 9mm Glass?

    well there only is a 5mm and a 9mm. i think ill go with the 9mm just to be on the safe side
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    Do I Really Need 9mm Glass?

    the 9mm model is $50 more im asking anyone that has owned 9mm glass if i really need to get it cuz im not really sure :wall:
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    Do I Really Need 9mm Glass?

    Im looking to buy a new bong and already have one picked out but there is also a 9mm model of it. do i really need to get a 9mm glass model or will the normal 5mm thick be strong enough? bongsmilie
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    Songs That Make You Want To Shoot Yourself In The Face:

    Tyler the creator.
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    Does Anyone Know Which Company Had The Original Design of This Bong?

    link: It's a Weed Star but i read somewhere that their quality isn't that good and i was wondering if anyone knows the original company that had this design. i really like this design and i also didn't wanna buy from WS cuz their...
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    Favorite rap songs to blaze to

    Wiz Khalifa - Up
  11. C

    Osama Bin Laden Dead...

    the guy in the other thread said he died from cancer a while ago. <- im going with that guy for now. ill believe other things wen i see some legitimate proof. lol
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    Atheist Evolution FAIL

    scrog said that people need to make up stories to get that "where did i come from" scene going. this right here is exactly why you are wasting your time with religion. people made up the story thats it.
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    Hey Canada, Your Fucked

    time to stack up on ounces before the prices and heat goes up... i was gonna start my first grow but since i read this im getting kinda bummie now not sure if i still should
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    Atheist Evolution FAIL

    a hardcore religion guy LOL this is too funny. why do you waste your life praying and waiting wen nothing has happened yet? i dont deny god, i just think its a waste of time. science is a more better way of finding out how this world was created because we have EVIDENCE. wat you have? a book...
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    If you guys like Wiz Khalifa..

    listen to this: i think its one of the best smoking songs. wat do you guys think?
  16. C

    Munchies???? What's your favorite Cereal?

    Reese puff cereal! or Trix but those are for kids XD
  17. C

    You Know You're a Stoner if....

    You know you're a stoner when you hit the wall twice running to get some pop tarts and see your cat laughing at you... (didn't happen to me, someone else posted that here lol)
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    Where Exactly Can I Get This Salvia Plant? (The One That Makes Ya Trip Balls)

    doesnt it depend on how strong the extract is? like 5x, 10x, etc. if you want salvia that makes you trip hard, then go with 40x or higher. dont know anything about growing of salvia sorry bout that
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    Cotton Mouth?All Time Fav Beverage

    OJ all the way!
  20. C

    Whats a good type of soil to use? (no FF in canada)

    hello, im looking for a good soil to buy that already has the nutrients and stuff in it cuz im a lazy ass and dont wanna mix soil with the worm casting and perlite stuff. anyone know where to buy good premixed soil in canada? around toronto specifically, in stores like lowes or home depot. oh...