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  1. I

    Help! Kush problem (pics)

    whats that suppose to mean? and no im not 'black'
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    Help! Kush problem (pics)

    can anybody help a brotha out?
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    cfl first grow

    im with you brotha
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    Here She Is!

    sorry dude im noob, ur baby looks amaaaaaazing. anyways, just wondering through out this process did u use just those two cfls?
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    Help! Kush problem (pics)

    im not using that much manure...its just regular top soil with that mixture... i did this method before some gave me a clone ..i had to transplant it.. im cheap and broke so i did it with top soil and it flowered beautifully with no problems...watered it with nestle bottle water, no tap... but...
  6. I

    Help! Kush problem (pics)

    Hey all, i got two clones maybe a month-month and a half old? both are some strain of kush not too sure... anyways i have them indoors under a 250 cfl, temp is at 27f, and have little cups of water too help with humidity planning on bringing them outdoors when it gets real niice. anyways...