just take mokes. mix tobacco and weed in a bong rip and ull get ur nicotine fix everytime u wanna cig its great everybody in my town takes em but i quit the mokes after a 3 year fiend of them with occasional ciggs but i quit those and pack lips ohhh yea
awwww duuuuude ur shits tooo nice man such healthy leaves and such hairrry haiirs man.. i just looked at my calender were on the same day im 44 too haha if only i can find out how to upload from my phone were cool but bro i love all ur tips u obvioulsy have had many harvests i cant wait my seeds...
im growing sour desiel just hit week 6 yesterday they look so sexy. i just sprayed some greencure which didnt smell was organic and safe the guy who owns humbolt nuts told me to try it and it worked instanlt i love how ur so good at getting back to me on this stuf your awsoem i only have an...
yo dude i cant do anything about my pm some guy at gh hydro toldme to get serenade and that shit smells like ASSSS i dnt wanna use it on my babies im about 6 weeks inot harvest on sour d whcih inst done untill about 10 what do u suggest i do like what is an assure way because it is sooooo bomb i...
damn man your shit looks amazing. we have a very similar set up but mine are very space consumimng i have 9 in a small area. i have neem oil and soap but im too affraid to use do u suggest any certain brand of fungicide of anything to help my pm im about weed 6 more lie 5 and a half thanks for...
wasssup man im in week 5 of sour diesel looks and smells amazing but i want the nugs to start boofing up and becoming super dense. i have a 5 by 3 by 7 tent with a 600 watt up in there. im gunna start to use bloom bastic this week and need help on how to distribute. i also use floranova bloom...
manannnn those like the THEEE SHiiitt looks suppa bomb im about to use bloom bastic for the first time this week. how do u like it slash did u use any other nuts. andd my sour d looks nothing like ur week 5 at week 5 whyyyyy is this i have 600 too
heeeeeey hi. anyone knw how i could drop my humidity to 45 or 55 if im constantly at 61? ps i already have two entrance ductings with an exast fan taking air out, 2 fans, and a dehumidifier, and a space heater which didnt help much but raise temp. anny suggestion guys thatd be awsoem
straight up yea i live in the bay area too i know wta u mean the winds are so sttong theyll snap branches.. u shud veg them inside untill like middle of april just go indoor for 3 weeks if you can them plop those babies out side and theyll be rooted sooo big and bulkly by october november ur...
wow great white looks amazing with only a 400?? i have same light and ive been looking for this strain do u think nirvana seeds is the way to go or tga
NO! u need 100% darkness preferably in your grow tent you used with fans going on and off a dehumidifier could be nice to suck out the moisture and speed up process check daily and feel for crunchiness on your leaves and your normal grow enviornment works great 65-75 are prime temperatures