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  1. katfishjohn

    18 vs 24 hour light cycle for veggie stage

    Well.. 15 years of experience trying everything imaginable and a degree in Horticulture and Entomology.. that's my reference. So I don't have a "link" if that's what you were looking for..
  2. katfishjohn

    Few Days To Harvest Mites Spotted On Leaves Advice Needed

    a couple days? shit just harvest them and clean your space.. WELL. Then check all new coming stock plants for signs of mites.. I wouldnt worry about it this late in the game.
  3. katfishjohn

    Spidermite Help

    Budding plants? How far in to flowering are they? I would be hesitent to use any toxic or stinky sprays at this point. Best option in my opinion is to use 'preator mites. Carnivorous mites....each predatorfeeds on about 5 spider mites a day, or 20 of their eggs. Sprinkle on 1 predator for every...
  4. katfishjohn

    First timer. What am i doing wrong? (pics)

    Nice pics bro.. that is one awesome camera you must have 'nugget' what is the make and model of that little lucy?
  5. katfishjohn

    trippy movies

  6. katfishjohn

    Male of Female just want to make sure (pics)

    Yo kathy.. chill out on the youngins.. obviously he made a mistake and didnt read your post! Im sure you know YOUR GROW STUFF!! but keep an open mind .. you can always learn something more from the old hands that do exist.. let the yong ones have thier fun now!
  7. katfishjohn

    Brown dots on leaves

    what is your reason to 'mist' the leaves? did you know that a water molecule is too large to go thru the stomata? And futher more the leves have a waxy cuticle which prevets any water absorbtion by the leaves. So basicall it can only be used for one purpose and that is to lower leaf...
  8. katfishjohn

    Day 7, Got spots, Any ideas, Pics

    in my experience those jiffy pots are slightly acidic.. but at least you transplanted them. When in doubt.. TRANSPLANT
  9. katfishjohn

    Jacked up clone, wtf is this (pics)

    umm as far as the webs forming that is usually not apparent unitl the infestation is massive.. For sure they are mites as the leaf damage for mites and thrips is not the same. I am still convinced they are mits and i hope that you are rid of them completley.. keep your eyes peeled for any type...
  10. katfishjohn

    Jacked up clone, wtf is this (pics)

    here is a nice shot under magnification of some mites and some mite eggs..
  11. katfishjohn

    Day 7, Got spots, Any ideas, Pics

    go to your local greenhouse and ask for thier 'pro' mix.. the shit they use in thier production.. not the stuff they sell ont he shelf. I have had the best of luck with those types of products.
  12. katfishjohn

    18 vs 24 hour light cycle for veggie stage

    32 days? holy moly! 24 hrs veg for two weeks.. I always had great results! I can imagine vegging for a whole month!! cheers to you!
  13. katfishjohn

    Jacked up clone, wtf is this (pics)

    yeah dude.. they are tiny.. but i can see the eggs on the undersides from here.. and I am in the far east bro.. but yeah looks like mites to me.. not thrips. I would quarantine it in a chamber with alot of lady bugs. you can buy them if anything. that is about the only cure...
  14. katfishjohn

    18 vs 24 hour light cycle for veggie stage

    The plants photosynthesize as long as the light is on. As long as the light is on, they are using it and continue to grow. Cannabis does not need a dark period during the vegetative growth cycle. Cutting the light period to 18 hours rather than letting it run continuously is just wasting time...
  15. katfishjohn

    Jacked up clone, wtf is this (pics)

    umm without a doubt its mites. the weebing is only on the underside of the leaves adn that is not always visible without a scope. more likey you will see the tiny black or brown spots on the underside.. mites thrive and they are hard as hell to get rid of.. might as well get rid of it and clean...
  16. katfishjohn

    Sprout showing bad symptoms

    Overwatering!! let them dry out..use the 'feel' method! lifht the cup and if its heavy then no water.. if its air light then time to water.. water can kill!
  17. katfishjohn

    Question on lighters!!

    I prefer to use a big piece of a stick or somethign from out in the woods.. i first build a fire and then put the end of the stick in there.. when it is burning on the end.. take it out and light your spliff.. or bong.. then simply stick it back in the fire and it will be flaming and...
  18. katfishjohn

    Day 7, Got spots, Any ideas, Pics

    Dude.. umm I would let your potting mix dry out a bit.. and well maybe try using some florecent lights instead of that set up you got there. Put them under a shop light and let them dry out quite a bit between waterings. 3 weeks.. 24 hours of light...florecent tubes.. they will pull out of it...
  19. katfishjohn

    poor drainage ned help?

    Agree.. with mobby420.. those potting mixes with the fert added is really a waste of time. Go to your local garden center and ask for a batch of thier Pro mix.. that is the shit they would be using in their greenhouse.. not the stuff they have for sale on the shelf.. then you buy a small bag of...
  20. katfishjohn

    deficiency- what type

    Distilled water is distilled.. there is no clorine in that shit.. and the pH of distilled water should be at a neutral 7.0.. personally I would just do like I said before.. do what you can to keep it alive for the next week or two.. one week.. two weeks.. 3 weeks.. its not all that important...