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  1. BoGro

    Ohio Friends, Here is Your Chance to Make a Difference!

    I've been reading a few articles lately about Peter Lewis (Chairman of Progressive Insurance ). He has funded alot of MMJ campaigns. He is currently pushing and funding to have MMJ on the Ohio ballot in Nov, 2012. It always helps when you have a billionaire on your side, lol. Hopefully this time...
  2. BoGro

    Best Thing to do with Aftervape?

    besides all the ignorant racism, anybody actually used AV for brownies?
  3. BoGro

    Does this Count as DWC? Picture

    lol who wants roses in the kitchen anyways
  4. BoGro

    My Parents Found My Plants. Please Help

    never hurts to give it a shot, really nothin to lose right. plus, outdoors in the woods is better than by the window. good luck, hope they make it