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  1. L

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello all. I am back after about a month into my grow and I decided that after about 2 and a half weeks into my grow that I would move my plant outside because of odor purposes. I have a picture to post below of how my plant has been fairing since its been outside. I have used no nutrients...
  2. L

    Welcome New Members!

    <b><b> Im back and about 3 weeks into my grow. Im going to have to emergency move my plant to another place because the smell is getting out of hand. Would it do any serious damage to the plant if i changed up the hours of the light cycle because its going to a...
  3. L

    Welcome New Members!

    Well I have 2 CFLs I could maybe find out what wattage they are in the next few days or so I dont want to take the chance of disturbing the plant this early in the starting stage. But I do keep them close and my grow area is really small and I have the inside lined with reflecting material to...
  4. L

    Welcome New Members!

    Its a mix a friend made up for me I believe it is Miracle Grow soil. Not sure what kind of nutes were added to the soil since im new at this and all but he told me he has had several good turn outs with this compost so I thought I would try it out. This is just bagseed from some schwag by the...
  5. L

    Welcome New Members!

    At a little over a week old. Sorry about the sideways pic.
  6. L

    Welcome New Members!

    New CFL grower here. Have 1 plant in a pc box grow op with 2 CFLs although im not sure what size. The plant is about 1 and 1/2 weeks old I will try to post pictures asap. Any Input would help. Thanks
  7. L

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Im back with updated pics of how my first attempt is coming along. I believe this is about week 2 from seed. Im thinkin I got a little stretching going on, I have the CFL as close to the plant as possible(about 6 inches). Does it look bad? Sorry the pics are sideways.
  8. L

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Finally able to upload a picture, little stretching going on I have my light about 4 inches from the top of the plant. I started in a 16oz party cup how long before I should consider transplant? No nutes for veg added yet either. Sorry so large, lol.
  9. L

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Where can i get ahold of a blue CFL and what wattage do they come in? Also, what are some good veg nutes to get for veging that are inexpensive. Is it bad to use CFL through flowering or will it just make the yield and potency less? And as far as stressing the roots what would be the minimal...
  10. L

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    New grower here I have a sprout about 1 week old and am experimenting with the 12/12 grow also. Im attempting this in a pc case with a single 150w CFL. My PC case stands about a foot tall or more im trying to keep it short and sweet. Any tips would be helpful and ill try to post pics when I can!