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  1. V

    Removing rockwool from rooted clones...possible?

    Hpa doesn't require a medium therefore I can't use hydrotron because it will also retain to much moisture. Have you ever tried to remove rooted clones from rockwool? I read on a page that you need to pull the wool off under water as it will pull apart easier? Anyone care to experiment n let me...
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    Removing rockwool from rooted clones...possible?

    I wanted to remove the rockwool for my high pressure aero system, due to the fact that rockwool retains to much water for my mist schedule. Thanks for your input
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    Removing rockwool from rooted clones...possible?

    I searched the web for answers only found one link and it wasn't a very reliable source. Any help here?
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    hi bob i have a question about your aeroponics accumulator setup.... you said you have 30...

    hi bob i have a question about your aeroponics accumulator setup.... you said you have 30 nozzles running on your setup, whats the psi coming out? if i were to get a bigger accumulator would that equal more nozzles?
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    deficiency or toxicity please help innconent plants at stake...

    i had it at 800 ppm and it seemed low so i bumped it up and still having the same problem... might be to much mg? ill flush and go less on the cal mag.
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    deficiency or toxicity please help innconent plants at stake...

    plants are about a month into veg with 24hrs light. growing in 18gal aeroponic setup. im using pure blend pro veg with cal mag and liquid karma. ppm is at 1200 right now. ph is 5.75 - 6.1 never any higher. water temp is 20°c. here are the pics please help!
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    How much water would i need for my reservoir for 8" x 36" slab?

    Im trying to figure out how much water i will need for my system... Anyone help? 8" wide 36" long 4" high rockwool slab... How much water will i need for 5-6 plants per slab?
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    Vertical aero racks

    thats a bad ass setup man! can you show how you got your lights to hang like that?
  9. V

    HELP! question about rockwool slabs.

    i was looking to purchase rockwool slabs, 8inch wide, 3ft long, 3inch tall. question is do i need to purchase the cubes as well, in order to transplant a smaller cube? help anyone?