Search results

  1. D

    9 Weeks in 400 watt Chemdawg. How close you think? Trichome pics!!

    She looks ready to me, but I prefer only a small amount of amber trichs. I see ambers in each of your close ups.
  2. D

    Casey Jones - Day 60

    Looks like a beauty man. I'd chop her any day now.
  3. D

    400w SCROG 2 Weeks from harvest....I think

    Based on what I see, you still have a good 3+ weeks left man.
  4. D

    How much longer!? Purp bagseed

    Thats yellowing because it needs food man, not because its ready!
  5. D

    Led Users Unite!

    The Blackstar 240 panel for instance. I have been looking, but people arent giving answers relevant to my situation. The idea of a board is to share info and discuss topics, yet when people ask questions they are told to search more. I wouldnt be asking if a search had revealed anything.
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    Led Users Unite!

    Im talking strictly about the 1 and 2 watt panels out there. It would be used just for flowering, veg would be CFL. Limited space available to Im trying to figure out if a lower watt panel could be within 6" of the plants with CFL to supplement the lack of power the LED would have.
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    Led Users Unite!

    I have been reading the last 12 pages and see nothing about spacing between the plant tops and the light...
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    Led Users Unite!

    How high do you have to keep the 1 and 2 watt panels off the plants?