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  1. T

    Leaves dying, working up the plant <pics included>

    Test back. All macronutrents (N/P/K) show a very high "surplus". Looks like probably a deficiency of micronutrients due to lockout. Gunna flush tonight. Thanks guys. Ill be back with an update later. I still would love any advice you could give me as a beginner grower, other then dont...
  2. T

    Leaves dying, working up the plant <pics included>

    Thanks for the replies guys. Okay so I got a real soil testing kit instead of the probe. Apparently the probes can be very inaccurate (I had my suspicions). The PH is NOT too high. I got soil from 2-5 inches down in the pot in 5 different places (I may do one more test later to be sure)...
  3. T

    Leaves dying, working up the plant <pics included>

    Any other advice from anyone? I seem to be getting advice across the board, from macronutrient deficiencies, to micronutrient deficiencies, to PH issues, to overwatering. Not really sure what I should be thinking at this point.
  4. T

    Leaves dying, working up the plant <pics included>

    Hey punk, Thanks for the reply. Okay, Ive heard people using lemon juice before but I had my doubts, thanks for the clarification. I actually tested my PH while writing the post but Im starting to not trust my tester. How would you go about testing your PH. Would you use a probe or a kit of some...
  5. T

    Leaves dying, working up the plant <pics included>

    Okay so if its elevated PH, what is your recommendation? Can I use lemon juice to lower it, how much would you recommend? Like I said I have tested PH and its 7.2, not ideal but not terribly high. As for over watering, I sort of doubt it. I let the top of my soil dry out , I then check deeper...
  6. T

    Leaves dying, working up the plant <pics included>

    Thanks Spartan, thats actually the thread I was looking at when I came up with the conclusion that it looked like nitrogen or potassium deficiency. Maybe ill up my nutes slightly , shes a hungry little bugger, and start in using my tap again. Since im using organic im not terribly worried...
  7. T

    Leaves dying, working up the plant <pics included>

    Wow, okay didn't even take that into account. Thanks! You're right actually it could be partially a bit of calcium deficiency. Looking at some spotting on the leaves it looks a lot like examples ive seen of Cal. def. Thanks again, Ill try that out.
  8. T

    Leaves dying, working up the plant <pics included>

    Why is distilled water no good? My tap is really hard. I measured its PH at 8.2. Actually should have mentioned this, I believe my tap was stunting its growth early on thats why I switched to distilled. Tap water contains a lot of things like fluorine which can kill a plant, when distilled...
  9. T

    Leaves dying, working up the plant <pics included>

    Hey, first time grow here. I have some bag seed that I was trying out, just getting a hang for growing and not really caring if it was male or female. About a week and a half ago my lowest leaves started to turn a bit light from the tip and sides and worked inward. the leaves dried up and I...