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  1. B

    L.A. Woman 4th Grow First H.I.D. Grow

    60 is too cold. Turn up the temp about 20 clicks.
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    droopy plants

    I have my lights up as high as I can get them. The girls are looking a little stressed. I hope their not to hot. I have eight plants and two 1000 wts, they still look good but you have to catch these things early. The humidity is good but my PH jumps up and down.
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    droopy plants

    Low PH was the problem and a little too much nute, burnt the very little tips of the leaves. I did a flush and now the girls are doing great. I'm in the flowering stage now for two days. I couldn't let them go any longer, not enough room. Three feet tall is tall for an indoor grow, don't you...
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    droopy plants

    They have a little tip burn on the leaves but did a water change and it's better now. The plant tops hang over because they look to heavey. Anyway thats what it looks like to me. After the lights are on for awhile stand up and look healthy. Will post some pix in a couple days. Thanks for your help.
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    droopy plants

    I have an indoor grow 8 buckets and they were all doing great until last night. My lights are on 18 and 6, today when the lights came on some of the tops of my girls were drooping like they needed water or something. The tips on some of the girls are burnt, just a little, very little. Some...
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    droopy plants

    I have an indoor grow 8 buckets and they were all doing great until last night. My lights are on 18 and 6, today when the lights came on some of the tops of my girls were drooping like they needed water or something. The tips on some of the girls are burnt, just a little, very little. On some...
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    droopy plants

    Help! The tops of my plants are limp and drooping like they need water but I have an indoor grow and they get plenty but the tops are hanging down limp. Last night they looked great. It only happens when the lights come on for the day. Then they stand up and look healthy. can anyone help?
  8. B

    Cannot Diagnose Plant Symptoms (?)

    Help! the tops of my plants are limp and drooping like they need water but I have an indoor grow and they get plenty but the tops are hanging down limp. Last night they looked great. It only happens when the lights come on for the day. Then they stand up and look healthy.
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    today my plants look like they need water or something because the plants are drooping over, the tops just hang down. I have an indoor grow. could it be they got to cold or to hot? I want to change the light to flower but not if the plants are stressed out. Any help would help.