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  1. R

    First Time Grow

    Wel its down guys an the quality is really good its a nice smooth smoke an lasts for ages. Bout 5 week til the next 1s ready
  2. R

    How Long till Harvest Time

    Hey guys had a close look an think ma girls are ready for the big dry out......thanks for all the help an info
  3. R

    How Long till Harvest Time

    Found a 30x 1 at ma local grow shop quite excited in seeing em
  4. R

    How Long till Harvest Time

    Gonna get a magnifier on Monday an have a good look cheers again guys
  5. R

    How Long till Harvest Time

    Thanks guys fingers crossed eh
  6. R

    How Long till Harvest Time

    Hi guys Can anyone advise how close these are to harvesting as not sure.wat they should look like. The time length should be.about a week an half but understand that the time.wil differ depending on grow room conditions
  7. R

    First Time Grow

    Leaves defo look same as mine got another 8 nearly ready for flowering wil post some pics. I've found em quite leafy so been takin big fan leads away is that okay to do so also should I be usin any kind of nute after big bud ends to make buds even bigger ??
  8. R

    First Time Grow

    I'm using a 600w hps an a 125mm cool tube cos at 1st temps wa gettin mid to high 80s. Used canna a+b all way through then added big bud 2 weeks into flower for 3 weeks but nothing other than a+b after that as not sure wat to use. The smell is really strong when the door is removed so hopefully...
  9. R

    Clones..First Time and All Dying

    So far I've taken a batch of 12 an 10 from a jack plant an used a propagator under 24 hrs flo tube an only lost 1 also been spraying with sparkling water regular
  10. R

    First Time Grow

    Hi guys This is my 1st grow an would like some views on whether they look okay. Also could anyone verify that the strain is jack herer. There's 5 plants and been on 12/12 for 5 weeks in the pics. Since pics about a week ago hairs av really started to turn orange. Also does the amount of yield...
  11. R

    Big Bud

    Av defiantly done something right cos the buds are massive an loads the strain is jak an only 4 week left Signs of turning brown are appearing Sina think ill leave out from now. Wats the hammerhead for is it eccencial ? Thanks for advise guys
  12. R

    Big Bud

    Hi can anyone advise how long big bud is given for as had a few different periods given Any advise appreciated
  13. R

    big bud formula

    Hi can anyone advise me how long the big bud is given for. I've been told from weeks 2 through To end of flower stage but it says on the bottle weeks 2 to 4 of flower stage. Any advise will be appreciated thanks