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  1. S

    Kool-Aid Owns All

    No shit? I might have to make a stoned adventure into there..Possibly ride one of them electric wheel chair scooter things..
  2. S

    Purple tips on my plants good or bad?

    Infiltraior-It was a bag seed..So i have no idea what strain it is Farmer Joe-Lights have been consistent from the start..Do you know what to do with the lights? They havent flowerd yet so im intreiged.
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    Kool-Aid Owns All

    Grape Kool-aid, I be yellin.
  4. S

    The longer you hold in the smoke the higher you get???

    I would say no longer then 5 seconds, After that your just killing more brain cells.
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    Purple tips on my plants good or bad?

    Ill post up some pics asap..thanks
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    Purple tips on my plants good or bad?

    Well my plants are about 2 feet tall and i have 5 of them..They are about 8-9 inches wide also..Well i noticed that there are purple tips on my leaves..I think its a good sign but i have no idea..This is my first true grow. Thanks
  7. S

    A lost cause?

    Well i live in Michigan "on the border of indy and mich". It is currently winter here and I live with my parents who dont exactly aprove of me smoking..But I started a 3 plant pot. A 2 litter cut in half used top soil..I put a hole in the bottom for extra drainage..Well since i couldnt really...