Search results

  1. assanka

    L.A. Orders 140 Medical Marijuana Dispensaries to Close

    I will ask again, does anyone know why some dispensaries located within LAC (mainly speaking about San Gabriel Valley) were not subject to this closure/raffle thing? Apologies if it seems to be a stupid question, but I don't understand how these places are regulated. Is it up to the city they...
  2. assanka

    L.A. Orders 140 Medical Marijuana Dispensaries to Close

    For some reason I thought this applied to all of the dispensaries within LA County. Not sure how I came to that conclusion, but I'm happy to find out I was wrong. How the hell did they single these places out? Canoga Park, Hollywood, Sherman Oaks, San Pedro, Venice etc. I don't understand the...
  3. assanka

    Immigration will eventually destroy the United States

    What is the deal with all of the racist people on this forum? This is the last place I would have thought I'd see this shit. Don't fool yourself into thinking you are "realists", or whatever stupid name you have for your blatant hatred. Seriously, smoke some pot. Reevaluate your willful...
  4. assanka

    Waco - Crazy Cult or Government Murders?

    Government sanctioned murder. As was RR. It's abhorrent. Makes me embarrassed to be an American.
  5. assanka

    Noise Rock/ No Wave/ Experimental Music

    Wow. Strange to run into someone here who knows who NON is. Boyd has a new album coming out. Z've is involved to some extent, from what I understand.
  6. assanka

    Looking To Buy Some Land In Cali

    Nah. California. (<- click) Fuck fundamentalists.
  7. assanka

    Looking To Buy Some Land In Cali

    It blows. That's what's wrong with it. nl3400.kind- We were recently checking out prices in the Boulder Creek area. Seemed pretty reasonable around there.
  8. assanka

    No Evidence For Islam

    Ah. I was ready for the shit-slinging to begin because of my post, jumped the gun a little. Apologies for the misinterpretation. Thanks for the heads up about Babs34. Looking, uh, forward (?) to making their acquaintance. Based on the size of this forum, it doesn't surprise me that there are...
  9. assanka

    No Evidence For Islam

    There was a time that you were a member of this forum for an hour, so I guess you had the same "problem". Thankfully, neither of us have that "problem" anymore. To the person that I directed my first post to, thanks for fixing your links. I'm sure I will be transfixed by your illuminating...
  10. assanka

    No Evidence For Islam

    It might come as a surprise to you that none of the links to your shit-spewing website are working. I have only been a member of this forum for about an hour, but I have got to say that you are the most uneducated, willfully ignorant, annoying person I have encountered in quite some time...
  11. assanka

    Free Grow Software!

    Looks like you have a cool program here. Nice work! Can't wait to start using it. Thanks!
  12. assanka

    Noise Rock/ No Wave/ Experimental Music

    Yow turned 50 last year. JL will be missed. One of the best live bands ever. Scratch Acid were great live as well. By your username I assume you are also a fan of their side projects?