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  1. G

    Growing in the WINTER!

    Course i got heat... the air is a lil dry tho... a fan would help cooling but Im planning on doin this in my room and comin in from 3 inches of snow and 20 degree days a fan aint the first thing I want on me but Ill have to make due...
  2. G

    Is this deal good?

    That price................ must B real good... In NY they charge 10 for .4 so .8 for 20 sounds about right but im talkin bout high quality haze...
  3. G

    Growing in the WINTER!

    Would I need a humidifier and a portable heater and all that or just set up shop wit the lights and pots etc?
  4. G

    Growing in the WINTER!

    Sorry i didnt specify but I am growin INSIDE
  5. G

    Growing in the WINTER!

    Hello, I aint been on here since I compltly gave up on growing since my first grow went to shit but I AM BAKK! I just got the sudden urge to start growing again, already lookin at seeds and all that... I live in the north east... and Im wonderin can you grow in the dead of winter?? My friend...
  6. G

    Is This Even Weed???

  7. G

    New plant, thin stem

    Put the lights 1-2 inches away...
  8. G

    Digging Up Sprout Question...

    Ya, I didn't see any roots...
  9. G

    Digging Up Sprout Question...

    ^^^ Well I just did it... it went pretty smooth... The lights are all around 'er now... I feel more confident when I stare for hours on end now... I'll keep ya updated, hopefully it wasn't too much trauma...
  10. G

    What Does A Rushed Plant Look Like?

    ^^^ like if somebody did just the minimum while growing... does anybody have any pics?
  11. G

    Digging Up Sprout Question...

    When I started planting I put the seeds about 2 inches from the wall of the pot I'm using... One has sprouted and it's doing nice but where it is it's kinda hard getting the lights right on top... can I somehow dig up the sprout and move it to the middle of the pot?
  12. G

    How Far Should Lights Be?

    As soon as I get my camera I'm gonna start a lil' journal...
  13. G

    Freshly chopped pics!

    What's the end yield?
  14. G

    How Far Should Lights Be?

    2 24 watt - 1600 lumens each=3200 I am getting more very soon... Home Depot has a nice special...
  15. G

    How Far Should Lights Be?

    I'm a good 5 days in since I started 24/7 lighting... My lights have been a good inch and a half away the entire time.. I've seen some people keep em closer and some keep em further away... what's a good average? My lil' gal (hopefully) is growing a second set of leaves and is about 2inches...
  16. G

    Too much water?

  17. G

    How Much Do CFLs Effect The Electric Bill?

    Wow... cool... I thought having 2 on for 24hrs would be an extra 237 dollars or some crazy number... all that stressing for nothing... Thanks for ya help...
  18. G

    How Much Do CFLs Effect The Electric Bill?

    I only have 2 24watt CFLs right now but, I plan do get maybe 4 or 5 more... How much would you expect the 2 going for 24hrs a day would do to the bill? And how much would a total of 7 24watt CFLs add? p.s. if this sounds a bit crazy im a bit too high...:joint:
  19. G

    Great Germination Story

    niiice... did you get a nice yield?
  20. G

    Great Germination Story

    Well I started germinating maybe 2wks ago... I did the paper towels thing and nothing happend... so maybe 4 days after I started that, I decided I'll try the cup with warm water theory... maybe 3 days after I started that a seed had fully cracked and the little white thingy was poking out... as...