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  1. S

    Legalizing Hemp

    Hemp There is a great wiki on hemp Its used for food, nutrition, medicine, hempcrete, plastic, paper, jewelry, fabric, rope, water and soil purification, weed control [lol], and bio-diesel. It must contain lees than .3% THC to be considered hemp. It...
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    Operation Finally Legalize It!

    What do you think illegalization is? It is full antiregulation of marijuana. And how do you think the gov will allow marijuana to get legalized? They will only start legalization if there are strict laws to begin with. It is a class 1 drug. But if legalization works, then the laws can get...
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    Operation Finally Legalize It!

    Hello! Let's get it done! So I have finally gotten fed up with all of this nonsense about marijuana. Governments hate it. Non-smokers fear it. And stoners say it needs legalized, but do nothing to contribute. We as a marijuana community need to change. We need to finally stop being...
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    How Can We Force Society To Accept Medical Marijuana Use?

    devise a system of legalization that isnt just a pipe dream that is feasible, logical, and responsible. a bunch of hippies protesting does nothing. a bunch of people with a good idea does something.
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    The Real Reason Marijuana Is Illegal

    dude, you just got trolled.
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    The Real Reason Marijuana Is Illegal

    dude. i am thinking and doing the same thing. do you get the whole black hole/light multiuniverse thing? and how its all infinite and infinitely shrinking while infinitely expanding? dude, you got to believe. the sun is a living being with feelings too. the solar flare and all of the end of...
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    Operation Finally Legalize It!

    Hello! Let's get it done! So I have finally gotten fed up with all of this nonsense about marijuana. Governments hate it. Non-smokers fear it. And stoners say it needs legalized, but do nothing to contribute. We as a marijuana community need to change. We need to finally stop being...