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  1. B

    Beefxer's First Hydro Grow - 600w 3'x3' tent DWC

    Day 19. Almost to week 3... The two smaller buckets didn't make the cut. I'm left with one Cheese and one Permafrost, both of which are growing very quickly. The deficiency I was dealing with has faded as I began to keep res pH around 5.8 instead of 6.0. The rest of the yellowing I have...
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    Beefxer's First Hydro Grow - 600w 3'x3' tent DWC

    Day 9 of flower: I took some clones and put them in rapid rooter cubes because I'm expanding my grow soon. I'm also lowering my pH target from 6.0 to 5.8 in order to get rid of what I think is a Mn deficiency. Otherwise it's looking healthy and green with a little bit of stretch.
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    Beefxer's First Hydro Grow - 600w 3'x3' tent DWC

    So, I realized that I posted this in the "Journal Discussion" area instead of the Grow Journal area. Can I move it myself? I think I'm dealing with a mild N deficiency. I'm seeing really light green in the newer leaves, particularly closer to the stems. This is my guide presently...
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    Beefxer's First Hydro Grow - 600w 3'x3' tent DWC

    Equipment: 3'x3' tent Lumatek 600w digital ballast (MH/HPS, 400w/600w) Lumatek high PAR 600w HPS bulb Cool tube hood Valuline 6" centrifugal fan GH dual diaphragm air pump (3 buckets) 2 other aquarium air pumps (1 bucket) 4 black buckets with 5" net pots, hydroton, and large ecoplus airstones...
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    newbie pH troubles

    I figured out what my problem was. The comments I got here about reservoir temperature got me thinking, and I realized that I had started to keep my tent open during the lights on cycle. It seems obvious now, but it was screwing up the air flow in my tent: hot air out the top, cold air in the...
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    h2o2 troubles?

    ok, back in trouble again (see previous trouble here So I was mixing up a fresh reservoir for the one plant that looked like it had completely recovered from my noobery. I used 0-11-22 (ml of grow-micro-bloom...
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    newbie pH troubles

    Erm, this is for a DWC bucket... as I understand it 5.5-6.8 is quoted as being the range for cannabis, but I'm aiming for 6.0 right now. I'm open to suggestions, because I'm a hydro noob.
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    newbie pH troubles

    Everything seems to be under control now. I passed a bucket of plain RO water pH'd to 6.3 around, letting each plant soak for several hours. I'm also in the process of changing out all of the reservoirs... one left to go. I added peroxide at about 10ml/gallon. I hope that works... It does...
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    newbie pH troubles

    Bahahaha I'm currently stuffing granola cereal into my mouth while puffing on Afghooey, so I'm with you there. I looked at those commercial pumps when I made my purchase... everyone said they were ridiculously loud, which would suck here in my office. That's why I went with the GH. It's quiet...
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    newbie pH troubles

    haha no, 0-4-8 isn't N-P-K. It's Lucas Formula code for 4ml Micro and 8ml Bloom per gallon (GH Flora nutes). I see how that could be confusing though. :) Thanks so much for your help guys! I was really hoping to scratch by without having to invest in 50 bottles of additives. It looks like I...
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    newbie pH troubles

    I should be moving my space into the basement in a month or so... this will keep temps down. I think the reservoir is somewhere under 78 since that's the ambient air temp up near the lights. The Lucas Formula doesn't work? Rumpleforeskin seems to get fantastic results with it... and when I'm...
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    newbie pH troubles

    How much peroxide should I use per gallon? I have the 3% stuff with no additives other than water. And is it ok to put my plants in with the peroxide? I'll dump my reservoirs and refill... they are almost 2 weeks old. I was just going by the "dump your reservoir once you've topped up with an...
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    newbie pH troubles

    I actually haven't taken rez temp readings... The space is at 78 degrees all day long under a 600w HPS. Seems to be standard for DWC buckets.
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    newbie pH troubles

    Hi all! I've been growing for a few years but I've a complete noob when it comes to hydroponics. I just started using some very basic DWC buckets, and I seem to be having some trouble with the pH. The pH has been fairly stable until recently, when it suddenly went from 5.8 to 5.5 in three of...
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    Two Spotted Spider Mites - Help!

    Sweet lord. I stumble in at 11pm to gaze at my ladies, and what do I see? A thrip larva. I wouldn't have known what it was if I hadn't been researching cannabis pests. Now I know what those gnaw marks on the *tops* of those leaves are... Morale is low here. Hopefully the Dr. Bronner's works.
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    Two Spotted Spider Mites - Help!

    Yeah there are multiple hydro shops near my house, but I think I'm going to start treating with a few of the home remedies that I've come across. I already sprayed the bottom of the leaves of the infected plant with water with a few drops of Dr. Bronner's soap (in almond flavor, my favorite) in...
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    Two Spotted Spider Mites - Help!

    You guys are fast like ninja. A quick google search tells me that Avid costs over $400 for a quart. Ouch... I'm guessing I'll be able to find it in small quantities at my local hydro shop, no?
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    Two Spotted Spider Mites - Help!

    I have been growing my personal medication on and off for years now, and I have never had to deal with spider mites. I recently started growing again, this time in DWC buckets instead of soil, and I picked up some clones from my local friendly patient cooperative. Unfortunately, today I...
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    Thanks for clearing that up for me. I guess I'll just have to dial it in for myself. :)

    Thanks for clearing that up for me. I guess I'll just have to dial it in for myself. :)
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    Hey Rumple, I really enjoy reading your posts. I have a quick question for you... You say that...

    Hey Rumple, I really enjoy reading your posts. I have a quick question for you... You say that you use the Lucas Formula at 0-5-10 in veg, but the original Lucas formula recommends this in low light conditions like fluorescent lighting, not for vegging ( Did the full...