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  1. C

    decisions tangie or 818 headband ?

    today is asb birthday, plan to take advantage of it but i cant decide between rp tangie or cc 818 headband, so if you got any experience with either strain let me know which direction would you go in.
  2. C


    today is asb birthday, plan to take advantage of it but i cant decide between rp tangie or cc 818 headband, so if you got any experience with either strain let me know which direction would you go in.
  3. C

    Bomb seeds

    Got a dilemma I want to take advantage of attitude xmas promo but funds are limited so i thought i would try out bomb seeds now i cant decide which to get the bubble bomb,atomic bomb or thc bomb been stuck the whole day so anybody with any experience with either please let me know what u thought...
  4. C

    Has anybody tried these before

    nineball please explain the metaphor there im missing
  5. C

    Has anybody tried these before

    look saviing money lol Sample boxes of CX Hydroponics Nutrients and Additives are now available. The boxes include: (1) x Ultimate Grow 1L - (THE NAME SAYS IT ALL! – COCO, HYDRO OR SOIL - YOU CHOOSE) (2) x Ultimate Bloom 1L - (THE NAME SAYS IT ALL! – COCO, HYDRO OR SOIL...
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    Has anybody tried these before

    look i get upset when i fill disrespected it doesn't happen at home and im not use to messaging on forums were people say what they want to you and not worry how you take it look at the first post u made to me tell me u don't see the disrespect and jaboone just jumped on your dick im not an ass...
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    Has anybody tried these before

    anybody here got any experience with cx hydroponics
  8. C

    Has anybody tried these before

    hey your are an ass but i like that cigar of yours
  9. C

    Has anybody tried these before

    bitch didn't i tell you to scram bitch you under stand everything being said to you see im not looking for a boss so my grammar can be whatever the fuck i want see you need to be impressing i need to be impressed we are in two different lanes please stay in yours
  10. C

    Has anybody tried these before

    bitch scram proper typing skill aint never got me nothing but if i need a good secretary i know who to call jboone he loves to follow another mans word to the tee
  11. C

    Has anybody tried these before

    thanks will look into that
  12. C

    Has anybody tried these before

    you two guys sound lame as fuck lol dam jbone i struck a nerve look how bitches cosigning each other i smoke weed no need to sell it hey guys i know the truth hurts you 2 fuck boys talk disrespectful to me and want a thanks for it you 2 bitches hijack my thread with some irrelevant shit be cheap...
  13. C

    Has anybody tried these before

    i didnt btch about 400 an ounce i said it was gone in a day or two i grow cause i can lol yes nutrients are nutrients just as a burger is a buger same dam cows but what you look for is that extra something that one company has found and mastered thats why you want mcdonalds but will settle for...
  14. C

    Has anybody tried these before

    thank you weedsmart that's what im talking about actual facts comparison that's all i have every asked from this tread so thank you can wee get back on topic metrop nutrients anybody ever used them
  15. C

    Has anybody tried these before

    jbone everything about weed is illegal where iam at i grow cause that's what i want to do i like how you try to down play what you yourself are trying to obtain don't you want stack to the ceiling yeah you do don't you want accountant counting that shit sure you do why not don't hate me because...
  16. C

    Has anybody tried these before

    look why has this devolved into money cant talk that with me i don't think cheap nutes are poor nutes but u think expensive nutes are ripoffs think i got enough money to try them all with no regrets either way i want what works for me advanced did lovely didn't have any problems talked to Robbie...
  17. C

    Has anybody tried these before

    look i don't need a lecture on how to spend my money i remember paying 400 for ounce that lasted only a day or two broke people get sticker shock i get what the fuck i want so save that i can get it for 60 shit for somebody else that's right i followed the direction i spent 600 on my advance...
  18. C

    Has anybody tried these before

    look i don't need a lecture on how to spend my money i remember paying 400 for ounce that lasted only a day or two broke people get sticker shock i get what the fuck i want so save that i can get it for 60 shit for somebody else that's right i followed the direction i spent 600 on my advance...
  19. C

    Has anybody tried these before

    looking for a little help guys
  20. C

    Has anybody tried these before

    this is only my second grow first was alright used adv sensi grow and conniouser for base withb-52 budfactor x nirvanna heavy16 prime big bud overdrive so i never looked at npk ratios only followed directions went 4ml per l and half on additives 1ml per l then i saw metrop looked descent and...