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  1. L

    Can a pungent smell be an early sign for sexing?

    I love the full name as a username and then the additional use of SWIM. I haven't see anyone use that term here, you don't have to be noid. Besides if you really live in AZ, you can grow up to 12 plants if you have a card. No one is going to make sure you do over these boards... The damn strong...
  2. L

    when to start flushing?

    I could care less about your spelling, that's the least of your problems... Does explain why you can't read though. Maybe you could learn how to approach instead of popping in screaming my way, my way, my way... It was obvious he read that flushing was good before harvest so he came in and...
  3. L

    Is this a female please someone respond this time

    Second picture shows pistils. Smoke some weed to stop the shaking. Don't worry about the pictures, some people see the pistil yet still will complain, ego boosters...
  4. L

    when to start flushing?

    makes sense if your using miracle grow release. i haven't had a nutrient deficiency yet and I have flushed my plants and soil countless times.
  5. L

    how long to veg for? help please

    While on the subject of LST, I have a question. If I flower my plants without LST and then start to notice they are too high, can I switch to LST at that point? In other words, can I apply LST at any time?
  6. L

    when to start flushing?

    I am on my first grow as well and I am growing half ass due to money issues. I haven't flowered mine yet but I plan on starting tomorrow even though I haven't seen maturity yet, they are getting too big to keep upping their pot size. Hopefully these last pots will finish them off for me as I...
  7. L

    when to start flushing?

    The chemicals from your fertilizer will provide a harsh smoke. Why? Well common sense says because you are also smoking fertilizer. What does harsh smoke mean? I don't know exactly but I would guess, there will be a burning sensation and perhaps less taste of the weed. You might even be able to...
  8. L

    Whats a cheap cfl lamp that will allow me to finish one plant from seed to bud?

    How much can you spend for lighting? You can't answer as cheap as possible either. Give a figure and if you give your location, I can figure out what hydroponic stores you have along with some preferred light.
  9. L

    Count Your Nodes

    I've just started growing my first 2 plants both no name. They are slow growers due to the limted light out my floro set up but they are growing. I'm wanting to wait for maturity before switching light times but I won't have the light if they get too big so I may just switch the light cycle...
  10. L

    Count Your Nodes

    could i get a guess if anything? just trying to see how close i am
  11. L

    Count Your Nodes

    I'm just looking for some stats. I know all plants won't be the same but... From bottom to top, how many sets of nodes did it take to see sexual maturity?