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  1. C

    Fruit flies and white little bugs

    They don't look worm like. They look like little white round insects. Well after googleing fungus gnats they definitely don't look like them.:bigjoint:
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    Fruit flies and white little bugs

    Thank you WvMade. Gonna go to home depot and get Hot Shot No-Pest 2.29 oz. Insect Strip. Hopefully they'll die out quick.
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    Fruit flies and white little bugs

    I have a month old I have been growing in my closet and for some reason I have been seeing more and more fruit flies and today I noticed on the rim of my pot a bunch of little white bugs crawling up and down (killed a few with a napkin but at the rate insects reproduce I know it didn't help :-(...
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    Any information is appreciated.
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    Welcome New Members!

    Hey there people. Noob grower just started about 3 weeks ago. Getting a aerogarden after reading the forums. Should have it by next week Wednesday.
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    What Is The Best Or Most Durable, Portable Vaporizer?

    Hey there all. Well I just got a vapir no2 about 2 weeks ago and I am completely satisfied with it. I crush about .3 grams and I can load it up twice and you can get some great hits with that small amount of bud. It also gives you a great high. No more garcia n vega for me.
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    Hey there rollitup. First time posting :mrgreen:. I wanted to know if there is a way to smoke cannabis through a electronic cigarette (E-cig) by making drops using this method to make drops and then placing the...