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  1. OscartheGrouch

    Could you guys take a quick look at this leaf?

    Hmm, well I usually water my plant at the base directly into the soil. But yeah, once I just poured it all over the plant thinking that it would simulate rain...and therefore the plant would like it more? Stoner logic probably.
  2. OscartheGrouch

    Could you guys take a quick look at this leaf?

    wow...I'm absolutely retarded. Perma-high, 'scuse me.
  3. OscartheGrouch

    Could you guys take a quick look at this leaf?

    I plucked it off my plant. I'm just trying to confirm if this is fertilizer burn so as to avoid the mistake in the future. If not, anybody know what the problem is? Thanks guys, -Grouch
  4. OscartheGrouch

    Week old plant. Pointers please?

    Took this on my low-def phone camera. In case anybody needed help visualizing my ghetto set up.
  5. OscartheGrouch

    Week old plant. Pointers please?

    My plant is approx. 1 week old now and is around 4 to 5 inches tall. -Is this progress normal? The stem/roots seem a bit weak, so the plant is prone to leaning a bit. I just introduced a standard box fan to my room because I read that it encourages root/stem growth...
  6. OscartheGrouch

    My first grow log

    1 Fast Bud seed (From Sweet Seeds) currently wrapped in a moist paper towel for germination. Planning to start it off in a red party cup with some holes poked in the bottom for drainage and filled to the top with some E.B. Stone Organics Edna's Best potting soil (In case anybody was familiar...
  7. OscartheGrouch

    Precautionary odor control questions

    It doesn't have to be stealth visually. I have a single in an apartment with 3 other guys. They're all buddies and are fine with me growing. Only concern is for odor to be leaking out of my apartment... One major hitch is that my a loft. that means there is NO DOOR that I can close...
  8. OscartheGrouch

    Precautionary odor control questions

    Wow, thanks for all the helpful/quick replies, guys! I'm gonna be growing some autoflowering Fast Bud seeds from Sweet Seeds (distributed by Attitude Seedbank). From what I've learned about them, I know that they generally don't grow that tall: slightly over 2' on average. One grower also...
  9. OscartheGrouch

    Precautionary odor control questions

    Hello everybody! I'm going to be starting my first grow soon. It will be a stealth grow in my apartment closet. I was wondering if a growspace 2'x2' x6' with one or two plants, a 150w hps light, and a cage fan will require much odor control? I wasn't even planning on fully sealing the closet...
  10. OscartheGrouch

    Welcome New Members!

    Sup everybody, Grouch here! Been reading/learning from these forums for a month or two now and figured I'd finally make a username and join. I plan to start a newbie grow log on here to accompany my first grow once the seeds I just ordered from Attitude Seed Bank come in (3x Sweet Seeds Fast...