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  1. O

    Plant is yellowing - have pics - need help pleaaaase!

    Mine were like that at first, I was told to back off on the water so i did and they came around fine. But I don't know for sure if that's your issue otherwise it looks healthy? Good Luck
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    LEAF ISSUE-Opinions?

    Thanks; They are in a 3.5X3.5 6feet tall grow box. I started with seed from a reputable amsterdam seed bank. They have a 400W (MH during veg) Now a HPS during flowering, they also have 3 upright 2 foot agrogrow 2 foot cfl for lower lighting. Temp averages 72 to 82 F! I Used Sunny Girl plant N...
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    LEAF ISSUE-Opinions?

    No webbing anywhere, No black spots on back using a 30X magnifier, see no sign of mites on back with mag. I'm growing in soil 2 gallon pots, plants grew bigger tahn I wanted they are no 3 feet tall. Any help or opinions on this leaf condition would help. Thanx
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    Opinion on Leaf issue, what it is?

    Thanks; No Black spots. The backs look burnt maybe? Don't know just quess.
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    Opinion on Leaf issue, what it is?

    Thanks I can't find any signs of them with a 30X magnifyer nor is there any webbing but don't have much experience either.
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    Opinion on Leaf issue, what it is?

    No don't spray them. There is no silky webbing, used 30X magnifyer see nothing on under side of leaves but what I see on top basically. I wamted to keep the plants shorter and grew them in 2 gallon pot now the 3 fems are 3 feet plus tall.
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    Opinion on Leaf issue, what it is?

    I am 4 weeks into flowering last two weeks I've been getting these sporadic leaves with yellow spots that are browning. ZNot sure yet what it is (mites, other, natural death?) {Please let me know your opinions) Thank You
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    Seeds.. Any of this sites recommended seed breeders will be fine. USPS no signing, comes in nice padded envelope.
  9. O

    Seeds.. Here is more info than you'll need and they are up-standing they keep a recommended seed breeder list. I have ordered from (Amsterdam seeds inc.) 3 times and never sign for anything. They show up in a padded envelope USPS and all is well.
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    Opinions M-F-H

    Thanks, that is what I thought but didn't want to believe; but this is my first real grow. I pulled this from 4 plants that looked good but the last 2 days this one looked funny. 2 of the other 3 look great but one other is making me watch it close. If I get 2 Females I'm ahead of the game and...
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    Opinions M-F-H

    Opinions; is this plant male, female or Herm?