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  1. Chipr62

    Best pH for Hydro

    Thanks B.:mrgreen:
  2. Chipr62

    Best pH for Hydro

    As a pain patient I really need to know, What are the best pH's for the three stages in the growth cycle? 1. seedling 2. Vegetative 3. pre harvest or hype up resins to grow the best possible :lol:
  3. Chipr62

    High Pressure Sodium Lamp

    For just starting out my grow, using regular lighting I have fried many a seedling so if I am goin to use HPS how high from seedling should i keep it to keep my babies safe?:-(
  4. Chipr62

    Military Drug Test Please Help!

    If you are in the delay entry program then you can ask for an extention of a month or two because of your twisted ankle. If you already took the oath to obey the orders of those officers appointed over you to support and defend the constitution from all enemies foriegn or domestic and to bear...