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  1. C

    Could I be in trouble?

    I have lived here 2 months never seen a cop! i did the unthinkable and in a panic garbage disposled them and boxed the light up. see and the funny thing is, i talked to the aparetment manager about the dryer and he said it was fixed and the matni. man came agin anyway. god this is f'ed up i ha
  2. C

    Could I be in trouble?

    So i came home today and there were 2 cops (2 cars) sitting in my aprt. parking lot. I left about 2 hours latyer tog et a pizza and they were still pearching. I came back in the other entrace and now there is one there too.. how do i know if i am going to get raided
  3. C

    Could I be in trouble?

    I dont know if he smokes,the smell is only noticeable inside the room, i only have 1 small fan. door was shut actually but still alot of light, should i really give them the axe?
  4. C

    Could I be in trouble?

    Ok a couple weeks ago we had a apartment inspection, and we left a note on the door wanting to have a few things looked at. Well a maintenance man came back about a week later with no notice. i had 5 plants under a hps and were in a open closet in a room with a shut door. do you think there is a...