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    Linear Fluorescent Lighting

    thanks a bunch man. i think im going to go with the quantum just for the dimensions of it.
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    Linear Fluorescent Lighting

    I'm going to be doing a grow with linear fluorescent bulbs. I would like rollitup's opinion on which one I should get. I am using fluorescent bulbs because i am limited on vertical space (3 ft) and they are more efficient than HIDs. I will be using soil and Scrog method...
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    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    Your setup looks awesome man. But like someone already said "security, security, security." Other than locking doors do have any other security measures?
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    Way too much nutes?

    ya i used like 3/4 of a gallon. thats what i thought. i ran fresh water through each pot 3 times. do you think that is enough?
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    Way too much nutes?

    hey everyone. im growing 3 plants in soil. 1 is about 5 weeks old and the other 2 are about 2 weeks old. heres my problem. i started using fox farm nutes today, but when i mixed the nute solution up (big bloom and grow big) i accidentally used tablespoons instead of teaspoons:-0. this was...