Search results

  1. M

    You do you start a legal farm in Cali?

    a friend told me i could grow more if i where to become a caregiver, but what i want to do, is legally sell to the clubs.
  2. M

    You do you start a legal farm in Cali?

    I'd like to know how a person would go about starting, and operating a legal medical marijuana farm in California. I already know about the expensive courses offered at places like oaksterdam.
  3. M

    amateur bong hits

  4. M

    amateur bong hits

    Unfortunately my dear friends I am now no longer able to pull pro hits from a blog*. Perhaps I have forfeited my capability to inhale copious amounts of smoke as an effect of three years of intensively chain smoking cigarrillos. I'm also certain that taking too many pro hits has also...
  5. M

    grow room help

    sounds like i'm jumping into this way too quick
  6. M

    grow room help

    I would like to start growing in my closet but theres one problem i dont know what in the hell all this stuff is what do i need to get started i have two mother plants growing and was planning to just use clones but do i need anything else besides a cloner? ie flowering box, grow box, ect? i...