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  1. jokaz

    Watch what you say on here!!!!

  2. jokaz

    "Super Cali Haze" from Short Stuff - Hermied, predictably

    No idea, seemed to stall at day 30, then leaves yellowed & withered, lost one plant, then they picked up & the result is what you see they are currently putting on 1/2" a day those sheep must have been eating something good !..................
  3. jokaz

    "Super Cali Haze" from Short Stuff - Hermied, predictably

    Pics of super cali haze 54 days in, 600w hp 18-6, organic grow using a sheep s**t brew so far so good ....................
  4. jokaz

    Growin wish sheep sh@t

    Hi All, Just thought I would share these pics with you , they are white dwarf autos from big budda the are just under 4 weeks old, this is a bit of an experiment for me as I am usin only sheep sh*t collected from a field at the back of my house. I collected said sh*t last July since then it...