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  1. Netpunk85

    First Grow CFL tent w/Bagseed

    I got my hps setup the other day, I'm so stoked to start flowering one of these days. I'll post pictures of the setup later on today :bigjoint:
  2. Netpunk85

    First Grow CFL tent w/Bagseed

    took a pic one of the males before killing it.
  3. Netpunk85

    First Grow CFL tent w/Bagseed

    I think things are looking pretty good...they are all starting to fill in pretty nicely and the topped one is showing a lot of growth. Pretty pumped! The a couple of the LST'd ones are starting to fill in like crazy as well. Temp/RH Tent LST Topped Filling in Ghost Chili Over...
  4. Netpunk85

    First Grow CFL tent w/Bagseed

    hey man, I started them outside for a bit until I got my tent setup and they got pretty stretched out
  5. Netpunk85

    First Grow CFL tent w/Bagseed

    No, 5 of them ended up being males so we ended up killing them off. I still have 7 females and 3 that haven't shown yet.
  6. Netpunk85

    The Church of Greenhouse and TNT Kush of Eva, Both Feminized

    *bump* I think it's time for an update, brother.
  7. Netpunk85

    First Grow CFL tent w/Bagseed

    All of my larger plants are already showing sex, aside from the three short stacks. Mid way through a watering my roommate noticed pollen sacks on one and upon further inspection we found that 5 of the plants were males. I was too baked to remember to take a pic of the actual sacks, but I took...
  8. Netpunk85

    First Grow CFL tent w/Bagseed

    True that. I'm trying to get the hang of it during this grow, if not then I'll probably switch to pre-nuted soil for the next. This bag seed grow is pretty much a trial and error run, so let's see haha. Righteous, man! Just checked out your grow and it looks great! I really like the T5...
  9. Netpunk85

    First Grow CFL tent w/Bagseed

    @Drampire: righteous, man! I've got jalapeños, habanero and hybrid hots growing outside too...I can't wait for these peppers haha @Jesta: good idea with the soil. I'm using coco noir and using super thrive, ff grow big and guano for nutrients. And I've been keeping my ph right around 6...
  10. Netpunk85

    First Grow CFL tent w/Bagseed

    ok, thanks! How does the distance look in the pictures?
  11. Netpunk85

    First Grow CFL tent w/Bagseed

    Took out my light strips and the temps have definitely stabilized. 77H/73L @ 40%RH So, I'm definitely staying with just the two 125w's now. LST'd a few more And topped one The Ghost Chili is looking pretty rad I raised the lights up a bit, a few of the plants were getting wicked close to...
  12. Netpunk85

    First Grow CFL tent w/Bagseed

    Is that a bad thing?
  13. Netpunk85

    First Grow CFL tent w/Bagseed

    Thanks Guys, I appreciate it! :D Gave a good watering/feeding last night with FF Grow Big and Super Thrive Have some leaf discoloration on three plants Some are really filling in LSTing with a Ghost Chili growing in the background :D I can't wait for the next couple of months! I'm...
  14. Netpunk85

    Yet Another First Time Cfl Grower

    Sub'd! Looking good, man!
  15. Netpunk85

    First Grow CFL tent w/Bagseed

    Bat and Seabird guano last night and a light watering tonight. Baby 1 Baby 2 Big Babies LSTing Full Tent I'm a little concerned about the yellowing/burns on some of the plants, but I think they're looking pretty healthy aside from that. :joint:
  16. Netpunk85

    First Grow CFL tent w/Bagseed

    Plants are looking wicked good, I think. Just gave a good watering and smoked a bowl bongsmilie New leaves are coming out of 90% of the plants where the bottom leaves were drooping off. Good to see :D So Stoked Hopefully sometime this week I can go get a nice intake fan to try and cool...
  17. Netpunk85

    Welcome New Members!

    The number of the beast!!!! Whats up guys, I'm new to this wicked awesome site and am learning like crazy as it is. Super stoked on this grow and seeing other people's progress as well.
  18. Netpunk85

    First Grow CFL tent w/Bagseed

    Today I set up 8 more 23w on power strips to the sides of the babies. Is it normal for the lower sets of leaves to yellow and get wicked droopy once planted into a pot? Levels for the day That's about it so far for today. I never thought I'd be so stoked to come home and stare at my...
  19. Netpunk85

    First Grow CFL tent w/Bagseed

    Yeah, Man! I just read up on your grow, can't wait to see the end result!