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  1. B

    Day 34 of flowering, and barely any growth...HELP (pics)

    All three are on their 34 day of flowering and I'm finding that the maturation process is going very slow.(might just be impatient) But all three are healthy and full, just wondering if their is anything Im not doing right. They are also all three growing at different rates. First plant is the...
  2. B

    first grow. help me out!

    honestly haven't used anything on them yet. anything you recommend that i should start using to flower?
  3. B

    first grow. help me out!

    they've bounced back pretty well over the last few days and are looking great. i really didnt know what i was doing when we started but i used 50% baccto potting soil and 50% sphagnum moss and its worked great. plan on changing the lights this week so i will post pics soon.
  4. B

    first grow. help me out!

    how much stress would force sexing the lower branches cause and what would be the best method to do this? They were already real stressed from getting over watered one weekend and stopped growing for a week but recovered pretty well and i've seen good growth the past few days. The lowest leaves...
  5. B

    first grow. help me out!

    have had these for 8 weeks in 18/6 light cycle and wanted to get some other opinions on where to go from here. i still can't sex them but maybe some experienced people out there know better. let me know what ya think. thanks. ps. a friend left the lights on for 4 days straight and these pics...